
Friday, May 13, 2011

Celebrity Cook-Along, Paula Deen!

Are Y'All out there??? Good! I, and the Dairy Farmers of America, welcome you to the Celebrity Cook-Along. This month I invited you to make Paula Deen's Sweet Chicken Bacon Wraps with me, or any other recipe by Paula.
Recipe HERE.

Various stages of prep:

Out of the oven:

Chow time!
  • OMG these are amazing! Guys will follow you around like puppy dogs as you carry the tray.
  • I didn't use the rack, my dish washer's name is Lynn and she gets cranky having to wash things like that! I'm sure the air circulation would have helped the bacon crisp up more. 
  • While these are perfect as written, I had to add cayenne to half of the batch, oh yea, a good idea.
  • They would be beautiful served with fresh cantaloupe and watermelon.
  • They're even good cold.
  • Oh, and the dish washer would like to suggest tin foil instead of silicone for ease of clean-up.
Since the 15th fell on the weekend, Linky will be up from Friday through Monday.
Ok, did you make them or did you make something else? Linky on up:@)

and Earl says...
Bring it on Baby, I ain't afraid of no buttah!!!

I'm joining:
Favorite Things (make them once, you'll see!)
Foodie Friday


  1. These would definitely be a favorite of the men in my life! Love the butter piggy!!!

  2. HEY EARL! hero!...
    These look too delish,yum!..what's not to like,when we got butter,bacon,chicken..OH! I know we're missin' chocolate,could you and Earl make me a chocolate dippin' sauce for my chicken/bacon wrap,..oink!

  3. Your bacon wrapped chicken has my mouth watering for a taste! Laughing at Earl on the butter...cracks me up every time I see him.

    I'm SO glad Blogger resolved their *issues* so this cook along could take place. I think this is the first one I've joined in on.

    Thanks for doing them...they're fun!

  4. These look delicious! Yum! I'm so glad Blogger is back up - I was beginning to wonder if they'd ever get it fixed. I had to do my post in another program and then copy and paste it this morning. :) Can't wait to see all the other Paula Deen recipes.

  5. Anything with bacon (poor Earl!) goes in our husband would SO love these! Thanks for the fun :-)

  6. Oh so sorry Lynn and Earl, my post is still "MIA" - I hope it surfaces soon so I can link up :-(

  7. They make me happier then a pig in Butta!!!!!! yuuummmo.

  8. Thanks for hosting a really fun Paula Deen cooking linky party! I had so much fun making her strawberry trifle - hope everyone makes it and indulges!!! Can't wait to visit the other goodies that are linked up.

    Redo 101

  9. I'm still waiting for Blogger to restore my Paula post from yesterday so I can link up. If I have to redo the whole thing I'm going to be a very unhappy blogger!

    Paula's bacon wraps sound wonderful! I love the idea of adding cayenne. Love that stuff.

  10. HEY, potatoes???
    These I made sure were good!!
    I can't wait to try these, Lynn...they look so good.
    I hope I don't lose THIS post...I've lost my last post about the book and the Red Velvet...somebody ATE it.
    xo bj

  11. So glad you extended it as I made 2 items but want to make a cake for Sunday! With Blogger being down, I didn't know if I would get the other one done, but it is almost there.

  12. They look great! Love the added kick of the cayenne, I'd do the same!

  13. And this little piggy puddin' came home! Thanks for hosting this Lynn. My first time doing a cook along, and I am looking forward to next month! xo,

  14. Yummy! These look amazing! Your blog makes me smile. I'm happy now too. =0)
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. I am really enjoying Celebrity Cook-Along. Thank you so much for doing this. :-) I love your blog.

  16. They look good, L! Did Earl hide in the corner?
    I made mine tonight, but I am not posting yet. Everything is so messed up with blogger being down.
    All I can say is PD needs nutrition classes! :)
    Buttah or fried,
    Your heart decides! :)

  17. My husband and son would be all over these! :)

  18. Love the first line of this post! Being shut out has been no fun, glad we are able to be back just in time for the party though :)

    Think it is cute that you did up a bacon one, they look amazing, but then ANYTHING with bacon is my favorite.

    Thanks for hosting this wonderful party.

  19. Love the chicken appetizers ... and Earl looks pretty cute perched on that stick of butter! Thanks for hosting.

  20. The chicken bacon wraps look fabulous! Mmmmmmm! Thanks for hosting this fun meme, Lynn!

  21. I haven't made them yet, but will soon. These look yummy!
    Thanks for hosting this fun party. Glad Blogger resolved their issue so the party could go as planned. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  22. Yum! Imagine my frustration returning from vacation and NO BLOGGER! I felt totally disconnected--well, I was. Now it's catch up time.

    Thanks for your concern about my nieces. They are healing nicely.


  23. OMG these look great I can smell them from here!

  24. This is the first time I have linked with you but won't be the last! I love these little chicken appies and agree they are first to go. No buttah but the bacon makes up for it....

  25. A Paula Dean Party??? Oh YUM YUM YUM!!! And your chicken bacon wraps? Pure heaven! Can't wait to make them!

  26. Ooooo MY! I can taste them already... we've done the bacon wrapped weenies & love em so I know bacon wrapped chickens gotta be be good :)

  27. Oh, I definitely seeing were protective headgear if serving these arund the guys in my life! I would so be tackled before getting them to the table!
    Thanks for hosting Lynn!

  28. I could nibble on these all day long. Happy Weekend!

  29. OH MAN!! The guys in my house would have to fight me for these. AMAZING!!!

  30. oh these look so GOOD !!!! i can almost taste them...they are on my " to make" list...for sure....

    happy to stop by today, my friend


  31. I think everything is better with bacon. These sound so good. I'm trying to eat healthy and I swear I can smell these right now. Yummy!

  32. Oh My! I need a plate full right now - it is almost dinner time. :D It could be my "cheat meal" for the next 6 months. :D
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  33. Hi! Thanks so much for hosting this each month. I always look forward to seeing who the cook is for the month!! Your recipe looks delicious.

  34. It's my day for a blog hop, I'd love it if you came over and shared one of your great recipes at savory sunday!! Have a great day :)

  35. Yummy! I hope it isn't too late to join in!

    Thanks for hosting!


  36. Oh my goodness! I forgot...too much is happening. I will make a made dash before you close!!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!