
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Skillet Fresh Sweet Corn with Jalapeno & Cream Cheese

The corn on the cob looked great at the store so home it came... I wanted to try something a little different, and this Skillet Sweet Corn with Jalapeno & Cream Cheese was very tasty:@) It comes together in less than 15 minutes, and the corn stays nice and crunchy. Not the most glamourous side dish, but it would be great with anything from grilled meat to fried chicken. 
Want a more complete meal? Add cooked chicken.
Grilling out? Use the side burner.
Cooking for one? Estimate half.

Skillet Fresh Sweet Corn with Jalapeno & Cream Cheese
For every 2 ears of fresh corn, shucked and cut from the cob:
Drizzle of olive oil
1/4 small onion, sliced
1 jalapeno, deseeded and sliced-small or large, you know your crowd:@)
approximately 1/8 tsp cumin, or to taste
few hearty grinds black pepper
pinch of salt
1 oz cream cheese
2 Tblsp milk or half and half
  1. Add a little olive oil to skillet, heat to medium.
  2. Add onion, cook for a minute or two.
  3. Add Jalapeno, cumin, and S&P, cook for a couple minutes.
  4. Add corn, cook for a couple minutes.
  5. Reduce heat, push veggies to outside edge of skillet, add cream cheese. Press down to help begin to melt.
  6. Add milk, stirring to incorporate into cream cheese.
  7. Stir and serve immediately.
Eat well and have a happy day:@)


  1. I can't wait until I get some fresh sweet corn at our farmers' market! This looks like a recipe that my gang will love!!

  2. There’s nothing better than fresh corn and this sounds like a great way of serving it!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!