
Saturday, February 25, 2023

Homemade Artisan Bread & Cat Ear Hat for Barbie Free Pattern

Winter is a great time to try something new, or revisit a recipe or technique we haven't made in a while. Anyone remember the Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day craze? I loved it and had dough in the refrigerator from the first time I saw the recipe. Since I generally would only make it for Sunday dinner, I scaled the recipe down to mix a 1 lb batch of dough. Whether you make a full or smaller batch, I do highly recommend giving it a try folks, it is tasty fun:@) My post gives tips for how I've made it, as well as a link to the original version.

These Two Pointed Hats for Barbie and Ken are super cute and you can whip a few up in no time. As with most things, what makes them special are the little touches, pom-poms, tassels or some baker string for ties. Use any fabric or recycled material that catches your eye, I've used a recycled sweatshirt and some team logo pajama material:@) Felt would work too.

Had to make an Eagles hat😎

The pattern:

✂What I did:
  1. Cut 2.
  2. Right sides together sew up one side, across top, down the other side. Leave the bottom opening unfinished.
  3. Snip points off of 'ears' above seam.
  4. Turn right side out, poke points with knitting needle, etc. to make them stand up.
  5. Finish hat with embellishments and sewing trim as desired. I used hot glue for my pom-poms and ties.
❄Make something just for fun and have a happy day:@)


  1. Great reminder about this recipe! There's nothing better than the aroma of bread baking in your kitchen--until it's time to eat it!!

  2. I made some of that bread when I had some ladies for lunch and I still have dough in the fridge for two more loaves. I love that bread!
    Barbie looks pretty cute.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!