
Monday, February 13, 2023

Fresh Spinach and Bacon Deviled Eggs & Winter Gardening & Super Bowl

Since I had some on-hand, I decided to make Fresh Spinach and Bacon Deviled Eggs. Good stuff folks. I love the color, and let's face it, bacon just makes everything better. There really isn't a recipe, simply whip up your favorite deviled eggs, slice the spinach leaves into chiffonade, add a palmful of bacon crumbles, and mix it all in. You can save a little for a colorful garnish for the tops of the eggs. How much spinach? Just start with a few leaves, you can always add more. And yep, same for the bacon... You know your crowd:@)

I found an AeroGarden Sprout marked down 60% at Walmart, this is the little three pod version. It came with herb seeds, but I wasn't overly enthusiastic about that. So because I have to play I tucked some spinach seeds into the pods figuring I'd snip off any unwanted plants. Within one week I had sprouts in the back pod, basil. Ok, I was excited to see green and kept my fingers crossed... Second up, spinach in the front pod-yay!!! But only one seed sprouted. The impatient me gave up on the middle pod and added a few more spinach seeds, still waiting for them. I set this unit up on January 15th, this picture was taken on February 9th. I'm looking forward to having all three pods start out with spinach next time. I've read each pod can sustain up to three spinach plants... We shall see:@)

In a surprising turn of events, Ken decided he was too apprehensive to watch the Eagles Super Bowl with a crowd. He wanted to focus on the game instead of hosting, and quite honestly, thought he'd even be too nervous to eat! So Barbie and Ken had a very quiet, (well, except for yelling at the TV:@) evening. Anticipation as the game is just beginning...

The game started out strong...
With lots of action and high-fives as they scored!!!

Ken decided a slice sounded good at halftime after all...

Things began to look a little bleak
for the Eagles in the second half...

Reality and losing the Super Bowl.
A consolation hug...

But true Philly fans,
while disappointed,
still do love their team😎

I💗thank the Philadelphia Eagles 
for an amazing season!
Congrats to KC!
And much like gardening, on to next year😉

Have a happy day:@)


  1. The deviled eggs look good. Ken looks so cute in the t-shirt you made.

  2. Darn it! I was rooting for your Eagles, but they had a fabulous season nonetheless!! Hoping for a great 2023-24 season for both our teams. P.S. Bill would like a delivery of your deviled eggs ASAP ;)

  3. Yes, bacon does make everything better! Sorry about the loss Lynn, but it sure was an exciting game!!

  4. You’re a good sport, Lynn, and yes on to next year. The deviled eggs sound so good, but Ken looks bummed out ☹️

  5. I forgot to mention that the grow pods look like a fun project!


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