
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Winter Tree -Bird and Pinecone Ornaments

Since I bought a smaller tree, I decided to save my clip on bird ornaments, glass pinecones, and other somewhat nature inspired ornaments to set up a Winter Tree after Christmas this year. These pictures were from when I first set it up, since then I've picked up several more things on 50-75% clearance. The most notable, a very large, 12" white glittered snowflake to use as the topper, replacing the metal snowflake. Ornaments have been gathered through the years, some collectable, some vintage, some inexpensive-but cute:@)

I chose to push the white garland more into the branches,
hoping to mimic a bit of snow.

I didn't use all of my birds,
was aiming for a red, gold and white theme...
But then I found the vintage
blue and white wrapped snowflake ornaments at the thrift store...

Over the weekend Walmart had the blue and silver ornaments with deer scenes, 
yep, have since added them too:@)

Just a little something to add a little light and warmth
to the next month or so of cold weather!

Do what makes you smile and
Have a Happy Day:@)


  1. I agree; do what makes you happy. Your tree is perfect for winter and adds cheer. I left my little one up in my bedroom with snowmen ornaments. Next month I’ll put Valentine decorations on it. We need Joy!

  2. My sister has lots of bird ornaments---many made with feathers. What a great theme for a tree!

  3. I don’t have a tree but I do have an ornament stand that can stay out year round. At Christmas I can screw a start on top and the rest of the year it is replaced by a ball. On it are a blown glass dog head that is supposed to be a husky, for Freyja, a flocked black lab nodder ornament that is for Diana and three laser etched glass ornaments, one each for Freyja, Diana and Dolly. I have a 3D printed ornament from Etsy I need to dig out and put back on it. A squatting dog with two poops labeled 2020 and 2021. The dog wears a surgical mask. Plus a free ornament for his last holiday Chet and Bernie book, Bark to the Future. An eclectic mix but all dogs. It will hold 12 ornaments so I have a few spaces to fill. This one is silver but I have another that is gold and it holds my 12 days of Christmas Springerle molds. They are out year round because I just like them.

    My Mother has a bunch of cardinal clip ons and I just bought several bird clip ons so maybe next year I’ll do a small bird tree. Been meaning to get a bunch of mushroom clip ons too.

  4. Such a cute idea! I love the bird theme~ I still have an evergreen garland on my mantel, I need to add some wintery touches to it! Thanks for the inspo!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!