
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Fried Leftover Mashed Potatoes for Breakfast

Nothing ground breaking here folks, just another suggestion that things don't have to be complicated, or have a lot of ingredients, to be tasty:@) These Fried Leftover Mashed Potatoes were great with an over-easy egg for breakfast. Do they make neat looking little round cakes or pancakes? No. But, the crispy brown crust or edges on the potatoes made a very nice breakfast. I fried the potatoes in a little bacon fat, using a non-stick skillet, and then topped them with S&P and onion powder. 

The key is to flatten the mashed potatoes to about 1/2" thick,
and just let them sit on the skillet and ~slowly~ get brown.
Will they break when you flip them?
Probably, but we break them up with a fork to eat them... 
Right? :@)

Fried Leftover Mashed Potatoes
  1. Heat non-stick skillet, add fat of choice (bacon fat, olive oil, etc.).
  2. Spoon -cold- mashed potatoes onto skillet and flatten a bit with spatula.
  3. Cook over medium heat until bottom gets brown and a crust develops.
  4. Flip potatoes as gently as possible. Flatten with spatula and brown the other side.
  5. Sprinkle with onion powder, S&P to taste.
  6. Serve with eggs if desired.
Eat well and have a happy day:@)


  1. I did this after Thanksgiving with our leftover mashed potatoes. Bill was in hog heaven!!! He'd love this for breakfast, too.

  2. My mom always made “potato cakes” with her leftover mashed potatoes and I loved them. Thanks for bringing back happy food memories, Lynn.


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