
Saturday, December 10, 2022

How to Make a Christmas Tree Cheese Ball & Barbie Pictures with Santa

Need an appetizer for the party or game on Sunday? These Christmas Tree Cheese Balls look impressive, taste great, and will be remembered:@) I've added a recipe but you can use your favorite, the post is really about how to create the Christmas tree look. Have some fun with your food this holiday season!

Barbie took the kids to Peace and Pancakes Farm for pictures with Santa. It was an exciting day and the girls were very well behaved, making sure they stayed on the nice list:@) I was tickled to find both the Elf on the Shelf and Santa Stop Here ornament at the thrift store. It's a 2014 lights and sounds Hallmark ornament, it sings let's bake around the clock, and has lots of flashing lights... Light up tree in background from Dollar Tree.

Barbie took some quick cell phone pics for the family album...

The flurry of activity at the farm has been non-stop...
Cousin Rube thanks all of his holiday workers!
Obviously, good help was hard to find this year๐Ÿ˜‰
PS-Our Elf's name is Cheeky.
We now have the full size elf,
Ornament elf wrapped in lights,
and the World's Smallest Elf of the Shelf...
I think we're all set for elf-y antics๐Ÿ˜Ž

Happy Christmastime everyone๐ŸŽ…

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute idea, the tree shape makes it extra festive! Barbie's kiddos are so cute!


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