
Saturday, May 7, 2022

Raised Bed Garden Update: The Strawberry Tower

I'm pleased to report that things are beginning to warm up here, and I've been adding plants to the raised bed. But the most exciting thing has been the addition of the strawberry tower! Now I will say, this project had me concerned... From the pictures my son sent (he made it), it looked like it was going to be h~u~g~e. But I should have had faith, it turned out to be perfectly to scale, and I thank him for the great work he put into this:@) Installed on a rainy, muddy day... Gardening is dirty work folks. The center of the pyramid is completely open and filled with garden soil.

Just big enough for a few plants for me to play with.
I'm hoping that, at the very least,
the plants that will be in the actual raised bed box and first tier will come back.
What started this project was that I read strawberries in pots should be
considered annuals, those in the ground perennials.

The idea this year is to try to plant the runners to fill it.
At this point it's getting late in strawberry planting season in PA, 
and bare root plants are long gone.
And garden center 4" pots can get pretty expensive...
So I won't have berries this year. Well, knowing me, 
I'll probably try to get a couple
during the second bloom in later summer:@)

I'll be watching the sun,
there's a chance the right side might not be as happy as the rest.
I've already moved some thyme into the middle slot on the right. 
Those chives in the corner may end up in the bottom as well.
We'll see.

And a little whimsy is always fun:@)
Blown glass flamingo topper overseeing activities...

These were solar light garden sakes, like $17 each.
I found two with broken stakes on the curb one trash day...
Yep, 15 minutes cutting the stake to size with a hacksaw and I was smiling!

So that's my update for today folks, stay tuned...
🍓And have a happy weekend:@)


  1. I really do like the strawberry planter. I might need to send the pictures of it to my woodworking son.

  2. Wow, what a beautiful structure!!! Besides it being a work of art in your yard, you'll have fresh strawberries only a few steps away!! YUM. Happy Mother's Day, Lynn!!

  3. You certainly having fun with this garden project. It looks GREAT...I'll be interested in seeing how everything grows in their allotted space. Hugs, and happy Spring, we finally had sun yesterday and I got a quarter of the yard cleaned up---garden is too wet to till we will be delayed a bit for planting! UPSIDE of the raised beds---hand tilling...Grins! Sandi

  4. I am so impressed with your son’s work on the strawberry tower! Please tell him that it looks wonderful. I hope you get many, many strawberries in the years to come!

  5. Your son did a great job with making the strawberry tower. I hope you have good luck with growing the strawberries and gardening.

  6. What a wonderful transformation already! The strawberry tower looks wonderful! Good luck with the plants. I'm iso interested in knowing how they will overwinter but you've probably got that figured out already. :)


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