
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Elf ReView: Elf Deviled Eggs, DIY Elf on Shelf & Elf Shoes for Ken Doll

Tis the season for all things Elf! May I suggest making it a full night of elf-y fun with these character Elf Deviled Eggs as a side dish for dinner or snack:@) Then tuck into PJ's for snuggling on the couch and some Christmas movies... 

If you'd like to have a little fun with the kids while spending pennies,
I have a picture tutorial about how to Craft a DIY Poseable Elf here.

These Elf Shoes, or slippers, for Ken just make me smile folks. Super easy, super silly, and just a perfect little craft to add to everyone's Christmas fun:@) We start with an elf legs ornament, I've seen them at Dollar Tree and Walmart. This is a deconstructing craft that really only requires scissors and about 15 minutes of your time. 

What I started with:

✂What I did:
  1. Cut the legs off, remove wire if there is any (Dollar Tree no, Walmart yes). What I goofed up last year: I removed ~all~ of the stuffing. This works best if we remove it from the legs, but keep it in the shoes. 
  2. Tweezers work well to help grab the stuffing if needed.
  3. Optional, add a dab of glue to the cut edge of each seam to keep it from coming apart.
  4. Push (and smoosh) Ken's feet into the shoe stuffing until they fit. 
  5. I chose to pull the socks up over long pants, the pants keep them up.
Optional for shorts:
Glue some ribbon onto the top back of each sock, it can be tied in a bow in front to keep them up on the legs.

Ha-too cute!😎

Make something just for fun and have a jolly day🎅


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!