
Monday, February 5, 2018

Valentine's Tree 2018 - I ♥ Philadelphia Eagles Superbowl Winners!

Since I didn't want to mess with the team's mojo this year I couldn't completely change out my tree for February... So instead, I added some fun glittered hearts and now have an I The Eagles Valentine's Tree. I likey:@) It was a fun game last night and Philly literally lit up the sky with the win-fireworks were everywhere! Horns were blowing and people were yelling and cheering outside, we do truly love our football!

My little elf topper brought lots of luck and created ~minimal~ mischief...

I found this fun ornament commemorating our last NFC East Championship at the thrift store... $2.
McNabb, Westbrook and TO.
An early sign of things to come??? Maybe:@)

Full shot with lights off...

Lights on.

Thank you Eagles for a very exciting year, We The Faithful do truly love you and enjoyed this journey!

Have a happy day:@)
Now to find a commemorative coffee mug for the office...


  1. Congratulations on the Eagles win Lynn, what a great game! What a festive tree, your elf topper provided the perfect mojo. ♥

  2. That was a great game! People were lighting fireworks and blowing horns here in Chicago! The only negative was there was no dalmatian in a commercial!!


  3. Congratulations to the Eagles, Lynn! So glad to have watched it..great game! I think a lot of people were cheering for the Eagles. Wonder who's going to be their starting quarter back next year? :)

  4. Love your tree! I was watching the game and thinking the whole time, Lynn is so happy!! I was cheering the Eagles on! Great game!

  5. Hi Lynn, It was indeed an exciting game and knowing that you were certainly thrilled with the outcome made it so much easier for me to accept! Your tree was definitely a great source of good karma and I totally get the not messing with the mojo! I made the mistake of wearing my Knicks jersey during the Super Bowl! :) Enjoy the celebrations in Philly--I'm sure there will be many wonderful events ahead! Linda

  6. What an exciting game, Lynn, and what I loved was how humble the coach and quarterback were at the end of the game. I'm sure you and your boys were ecstatic at the outcome. Your tree brought lots of good vibes. I hope you find that commemorative mug for the office.

  7. Congrats!! We were cheering them on from out here in Montana. Someone was setting off fireworks over here too! Enjoy the feeling. Kit

  8. Congrats on your team's win! Now, Lynn, can we get back to your wonderful blog, with your wonderful recipes, hm-m? And let's not forget St.Valentine's quiver and quills do not go very well with Eagle feathers and flight. Let's think HEARTS! FLOWERS! CHOCOLATES! and BABKA! So grateful always for your blog!

  9. Woohoo!!! What a game, loved every nailbiting second! Congrats! Your combo Valentine Eagles tree is perfect!

  10. After the kneeling Ravens embarrassed us in England - the superbowl was the first game that we watched all season. My youngest daughter turned it on bc she wanted to watch (he boss is a huge eagles fan) and I was thinking about you the whole time as we cheered on the Eagles! Congratulations!!!! I bet your house was fun that night. Love the tree. ♡

  11. Bill is very superstitious when it comes to the Packers----what he wears, when our Packer Christmas lights can come down, etc. So I can relate to not wanted to jinx anything! Congrats to your team---we were thrilled with the win, too.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!