
Monday, June 27, 2016

Oriental Green Beans with Mushrooms and Almonds

My planters are starting to produce veggies and these Oriental Green Beans with Mushrooms and Almonds were number one on my list of new things to try. They did not disappoint! Such great flavor and I loved the little crunch from the celery and almonds. If you're looking for a different side dish I think you'll like this one folks.
Pressure Cooker option: Place beans in a steamer basket, add 1 C water and cook them for 2 minutes, automatic release. 

Wanted to share a quick pic of some of the planters. These beans will be done and get pulled this week, then I'll add more seeds. 
There is another pot just beginning to make buds. I love that 20¢ packs of seeds will give me beans all summer long:@)
The nasturtiums were really pretty this year too and I had fun adding petals to salads.

Oriental Green Beans with Mushrooms and Almonds-from The Iowa Housewife
3 C green beans, 1" pieces
1 tsp salt
1 C reserved liquid from cooking the beans
1 1/2 C celery, sliced
3 Tblsp oil-I used vegetable oil
4 oz canned or jarred mushrooms, drained well
1 Tblsp cornstarch
1 beef bouillon cube
1 Tblsp soy sauce
1/2 C slivered almonds-I sprinkled in some sliced almonds
  1. Cover beans with water, add salt and boil beans until tender. Drain beans reserving liquid. (I steamed my beans.)
  2. In large skillet, cook celery in oil until tender, add mushrooms to heat through. 
  3. Mix reserved liquid with cornstarch, bouillon, and soy sauce. Pour into skillet, add beans. Cook until thickened.
  4. Stir in almonds and serve.
Enjoy those first garden beans and have a happy day:@)

I'm Joining:
Full Plate Thursday


  1. Lynn, Your planters are thriving and I love the nasturtiums! Your Oriental Green Beans & Mushrooms sound so flavorful and a nice change of pace from the traditional. I bet they'd be good with a can of water chestnuts tossed in too :)

  2. I love green beans with almonds, I can only imagine how good your green beans are fresh from your garden, yum! and 20 cents, wow!

  3. Your planters look so healthy and you can't beat 20 cents for all those beans! I'll be trying this recipe soon, as a nice change of pace to me just adding butter and seasoning.

  4. I'm jealous that you're harvesting vegetables already! These green beans look terrific!

  5. Those look delcious. My veggies are not quite ready for harvest. Hope you have a wonderful 4th.

  6. I'm thinking this recipe might also work for my snow peas that are producing right now. It sounds really good, Lynn. How I love to see things growing this time of year!

  7. I am always searching for different Green Bean recipes and this one looks delicious! Thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a very special weekend!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen


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