
Monday, June 13, 2016

Grilled Chicken Kabobs with Mustard, Brown Sugar and Allspice-George Foreman or Outdoor Grill

This Mustard, Brown Sugar and Allspice Chicken is a great idea for when you don't have a lot of time to let the meat marinate for hours. I also liked that some of the sauce gets set aside to be used as a dipping sauce. The original recipe called for chicken thighs, I opted for boneless breast added to shish-ka-bobs. It was way too windy to do any outdoor grilling so I fired up the George Foreman Grill and it did a nice job. This was a tasty little dinner folks and the sauce would be great with pork or ham too.

Since I used cubed chicken breast I gave it a quick 15 minute soak in a brine while I cut up my veggies, pat it dry before adding to sauce.
Brine: 2 C water, 2 Tblsp kosher salt, 1 Tblsp sugar.
This is another simple kabob idea that would be great with pineapple and more onion... Lot's more onion:@)

Brown Sugar and Allspice Chicken-from Taste and Tell
1/2 C prepared yellow mustard
1/3 C packed brown sugar-I had dark brown, light would be a little prettier
1/2 tsp ground allspice
pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs-approx 2lbs
  1. Mix sauce in bowl, reserve 1/4 C of the sauce. 
  2. Add chicken, mix well to coat with sauce.
  3. Grill, covered, over medium heat for 6-8 minutes per side or until the chicken is cooked through.
  4. Serve with the dipping sauce.
  5. For kabobs: Simply alternate chicken and veggies/fruit of your choice on skewers. My veggies were given a light coating of olive oil, S&P. Even though the chicken was coated with sauce I gave it one final brushing while on the grill.
Fire up the grill of your choice and have a happy day:@)


  1. We've been brining our chicken lately too Lynn, it makes a big difference! Your kebabs have me salivating!

  2. Great idea to do a quick brine---I usually just brine my pork chops, but this sure would keep your chicken pieces moist. Love this easy marinade, too.

  3. Mmmmm....I have never brined anything...I think it is time I got with the program. Sounds delicious...and I love knowing that "George" can be used! When the mister is out of town, I use George and this recipe would be perfect!

  4. I've just had dinner and could sit down to this delicious-ness! Can't wait to try it!

  5. I like this idea of a quick brine and marinade. The flavors sound really good and the ingredients are ones that we would already have, which is always a good thing. I haven't made kabobs in awhile, but now you have me craving them. Thanks for the inspiration, Lynn.

  6. Magoo loves to brine...and the addition of pineapple makes this perfect for me!

  7. I can practically taste your colorful kabob Lynn! I love the idea of quick brine to add some moisture to your chicken too :)

  8. Your kabobs look done to perfection, Lynn! The brine sounds wonderful and I'd love to try the chicken thigh version :)


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!