
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Montreal Steak Seasoning Roasted Beets-Slow Cooker Option and Pickled Beet Salad with Dill

I have two tasty ideas for you today. First, Roasting Beets with Montreal Steak Seasoning really amps up the flavor and it adds a little burst of spice to various bites. They can be roasted in the oven but I thought they'd be perfect for a set-it and forget-it, don't heat up the kitchen, slower cooker side dish. And you decide how much time you need, whether 4 or 8 hours or even more using the timer on your slow cooker.

While I haven't tried this yet, if you toss a few foil wrapped baking potatoes into the pot too, you're well on your way to dinner:@) I suggest beets on the bottom just in case a little juice leaks out of the foil. And look at that shiny stainless steel pot... Yep, treated myself to a 6 quart Instant Pot-loving it!

What to do with those roasted beets? 
Well, serving them warm (butter optional-but yummy:@) is always nice, and we're really fond of pickled side dishes here at Pig In Mud... 
This Pickled Beet Salad with Dill was a nice twist on a family favorite. 
Don't hesitate to give any/all of these ideas a try folks, I think you'll be pleased.

Roasted Beets with Montreal Steak Seasoning
Cut top and root off, peel beets.
Small beets can be left whole, cut 2-2 1/2" beets into quarters, 3"+ into sixths.
Place beets on a piece of foil big enough to enclose the beet.
Rub beets with a little olive oil, just enough to cover them.
Sprinkle generously with Montreal Steak Seasoning.
Wrap foil around the beet.

To Cook-you have options:
~Place in slow cooker on high for 4 hours or low for 8 hours.
~Bake in 400 degree oven for approx 40-50 minutes, or until soft. This will vary depending on the size of the beets.
~I'm guessing they could be diced, wrapped in foil and cooked over indirect heat on the grill too.

Pickled Beet Salad with Dill
15 oz can of beets, drained, or approx 2 C diced fresh roasted beets
Approx 2 Tblsp sliced onion
2 Tblsp cider vinegar
2 Tblsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt-if using fresh beets, little pinch if canned
1/8 tsp dill weed
1/8 tsp celery seed
~Mix everything and let marinate for at least 3 hours, stirring occasionally.

Eat well and have a happy day:@)

I'm Joining:
Full Plate Thursday


  1. What gorgeous color your beets are Lynn and I love your new pot too! Enjoy :)

  2. I love beets any way you fix them but most especially pickled!


  3. Oh my, so yummy looking! I do love me some beets!

  4. I love beets, too, Lynn! Thanks for the recipes. I want to see more of your shiny instant pot.

  5. I so love beets...buttered, pickled....yum, yum!

  6. will never eat beets again. too many as a kid. yucko!

  7. I haven't had beets in a long long time! This sounds amazing! Thanks for the recipe. I think I'll look at the Barbie patriot outfit too! Hugs, Diane

  8. I am a beet virgin! Never touched them! My mother used to serve them all the time and I was totally grossed out, and that part of me has never grown up :) I would love a new slow cooker, and that 6 quart looks dreamy. Happy Mother's Day Lynn, I hope your kids pamper you!

  9. I'm a fan of roasted beets, but will give this a try.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  10. Beets are one of those veggies that we never ate but are definitely our bucket list of food we want to eat before we die.

  11. I never would have thought of MOntreal Steak seasoning on beets! Happy Mother's DAy!

  12. I love both of these recipes!! Bill will be rolling his eyes, but I'll be in heaven. Boy, do I love beets!

  13. I love beets Lynn, and can hardly wait to try this recipe, hopefully this week. Thanks so much for sharing them with us at Full Plate Thursday and come back soon!
    Miz Helen


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!