
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fresh Herb Keeper from Ball-A New Kitchen Toy

The one herb G-Mom-B always had in the garden and kitchen was parsley. She liked the curly kind and it went into most of the things she made. I don't know why I got away from using it but I'm declaring 2015 the year of parsley:@) Ok, not really, but I have this fun new Fresh Herb Keeper from Ball and I'm gonna use it! The pics are from the Ball website, the ones I took were, um... well these are from Ball... It's skinny enough to fit into the door of the fridge but I like it on the bottom shelf where it's always within eye sight.
I gave the stems of my bunch of store bought parsley a fresh trim, tucked them into the holder making sure the stems touched the bottom so they could get water, filled it with water, clipped it closed and ~wa-la~ I had fresh parsley for well over four weeks. I was very pleased with how nicely this worked and it comes apart for easy cleaning.
If you're looking for a solution to help keep fresh herbs nicer longer folks, this just may be it.
I was lucky enough to win a great give away of Ball items from Bloggy Buddy Tina and this was included, I'm glad it was! 

Have a happy day:@)


  1. Herbs wilt and go bad in my refrig and this sounds like a great solution. It's a similar idea to what I've heard - herbs are like flowers and they should be store in the refrig in a vase of water. I tried it a couple of times and the top shelf of my refrig ended up looking like a greenhouse :) This may be the idea size Lynn.

  2. Have you used this yet with basil? You can't put basil in the fridge, but I was wondering if it would work well to use the Ball Herb Keeper and let it sit out on the counter.

  3. What a handy little gadget! Lucky you winning!

  4. Nice win, Lynn! I'm impressed that the parsley kept for four weeks. There's always a reason to add fresh parsley and this will help you keep your vow of the "year of parsley"!

  5. I would love one of these. I guess any herb would work?

  6. pretty cool for a cook like yourself!

  7. Glad you are using it, Lynn! It's really a great tool for saving your herbs. If you take it out of the cabinet and use it! (I go thru weird phases of laziness about these kinds of things...I don't know why!)
    I've just bought a bunch of new plants so it will get lots of use this summer!

  8. What a great idea - I will have to check this out. Thanks so much.

  9. Sounds like the perfect idea for winter when there are no fresh herbs to pick in my garden pots! I love parsley too!

  10. Wow, this is now on my list of things I must have!

  11. I have one of these and love it!!!

  12. Lynn, glad to hear this review from someone I trust. Looks like a good product@

  13. Sounds like a money saver Lynn and great solution for herbs! I'm ready for fresh parsley and basil from the garden. It's painful to pay for it at the grocery store especially basil when it's so anemic :)

  14. Wow, Lynn, this looks like a great idea for storing herbs and keeping them fresh. I'm really impressed that your parsley lasted four weeks! I like the look of this design and may have to try one for myself. Thanks for sharing this with us and have a great day!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  15. Great idea, I love Parsley and herbs to my meals. Thank you for sharing this innovation.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  16. That is so cool! Thanks for the review.

  17. I want one too! I always lose my cilantro to mush! Yuck!

  18. I love new kitchen gadgets! If your parsley lasted for four weeks, then this is a gadget I need. My parsley ends up getting squidgey after just a few days in the crisper. :)


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