
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday Snippets-Went Junkin'

This was one of those Saturdays that life is really good! It was sunny and breezy, the leaves were blowing around and there were a couple flea markets set up in church parking lots. A gentleman had a bunch of Christmas items and this box of ornaments caught my eye immediately... I held it up ~held my breath~ and asked "how much?"-He said 25¢. I almost ripped the bottom of my pocket out getting my quarter!!! 
The original price tag:

Then I dug through a couple boxes, found a few more and these plastic bells I remember from when I was a kid-love them! All six cost me another 50¢.
 The most expensive part of my trip was the hot dog and sauerkraut, but then, that is required eating at such an event:@) 
 I hope you had a fun Saturday too!


  1. great finds! and yum on the sauerkraut dog!

  2. Fun finds, Lynn. I don't think I've ever seen those. Flea markets are so fun.

  3. Great finds Lynn. It sounds like you had a lovely day.

  4. I'm so in love with those ornaments!! Great find my friend! Oh and the food sounds pretty yummy too!


  5. I guess SO! 25 cents! WOW! I love vintage holiday treasures! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Diane

  6. What great vintage ornaments, Lynn, and what a deal,too!! It looks like your Saturday thrifting paid off and the hot dog with sauerkraut sounded good, too.

  7. These are beautiful! I am already in the Christmas spirit

    Jane xxx

  8. Lynn, what a nice way to spend a Saturday! Bet you can't wait to hang your vintage ornaments on the tree.

  9. ok, you are officially happier than a pig in mud after scoring these bargains at a quarter for upcoming tree decorations! However I did notice the original price was a whopping $1.19! Retro classy!

  10. Great finds! What a fun way to spend a Saturday, Lynn!

  11. Love your vintage ornaments Lynn...what a bargain, hot dog included :)


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!