
Friday, September 26, 2014

So Scary Ornament... Not!

I think this little guy is trying too hard to sell the fact that he's So Scary:@) I'm not buying it, how about you? Sometimes when I see an idea that would work as a craft I do a quick sketch of it on my whiteboard, that was the case when I saw the snowmen in the 4th pic of this Magpie Ethel post HERE. While I don't have any vintage items I thought my thrifted bell would work well for the head and he turned out cute!
I would have used a small white ball for the middle if I had it but decided gluing glitter on a clear one would work. Also added the clear glitter to the edges of the scrap booking sign... You know my theory, a lot of little extra glitter never hurt anything!

Have a happy day:@)


  1. Aww he's too cheery to be scary! What a great job you did on him, Lynn. Are we going to see the Halloween tree soon??

  2. That is so cute and he can't be 'scary' with that smile!

  3. He's even cuter than Casper, I'm not buying it either :-D.

  4. He's waaay too cute to be scary. :)
    I've never seen a bell with a smile...

  5. You always do the cutest projects!
    Love him!

  6. Where did you ever find the ghost face white jingle bell!! Too cute!! I love his sign too, a scary wanna be!

  7. Love that bell repurposed for your ghostly ornament, he's too cute Lynn! Thanks for the not so scary smiles this morning :)


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!