
Friday, October 11, 2013

Raisin Coffee Cake with Almond Streusel Topping

I'm on a kitchen mission to only use ingredients already on hand and gotta tell ya, that has been... challenging. I did have raisins in the closet and I think they're something folks tend to forget are great in baked goods. So, I modified G-Mom-B's Crumb Cake and baked up this Raisin Coffee Cake with Almond Streusel Topping. I think she would approve:@)
I made a half batch in my small 8" cast iron skillet, for the full batch recipe you can click HERE or double everything.

Raisin Coffee Cake with Almond Streusel Topping-Half Batch Recipe
1 C A/P flour
1 tsp baking powder
pinch salt
3 Tblsp sugar
1/2 egg-just estimate
1 Tblsp melted shortening or vegetable oil
1/2 tsp vanilla
milk till drippy-sorry, it's Grandmom's recipe:@)
Raisins, steeped in hot water then squeezed before adding to batter-as many as you'd like

Streusel:-adapted from lifeasmom
1/4 C A/P flour
2 Tblsp melted butter
2 Tblsp brown sugar
1/4 C nuts-I used almonds
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp almond extract
  1. Mix cake ingredients (except raisins) and add to greased and floured baking dish. 
  2. Sprinkle squeezed raisins over batter.
  3. Mix streusel with a fork and sprinkle over cake. Tip: add the almond extract to the butter for more even distribution.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 33 minutes or until done. 
Serve with a strong cup of coffee or tea and have a happy day:@)

I'm Joining:
Foodie Friday


  1. This sounds fabulous to me! I think youdid a fabulous job with what you had on hand. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  2. I'd put on another pot of coffee to go with a piece of this.


  3. This sounds really yummy. Raisins always help keep baked good moist, which I like.

  4. I think Grandmom would approve, Lynn! It looks and sounds wonderful to me and I love the picture of it. Happy weekend. xo

  5. Yum! Such a good idea Lynn, I have an 8" cast iron skillet, so this is somewhat portion controlled :)

  6. Good for you to challenge yourself to use things you have on hand. I don't know how many times I've bought an ingredient that I used for a specific recipe and never used it again. Fabulous coffee cake. Wish I had a slice for my breakfast.

  7. This sounds so good and I like the 8 inch size.

  8. Mmmm....looks like a terrific coffee cake! I need to take your lead and try to use up some of my pantry items...they're multiplying!

  9. drippy ~ i love it! Bet she'd be ticked that you are sharing her recipe!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!