
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Herbs de Provence-Give Away!

***Give-Away now closed-the winner was #58 Jean. Thanks everyone!***
Hey everyone! Back in June I wrote about harvesting my lavender, it has dried out nicely and I decided to make some Herbs de Provence. It's great on chicken, potatoes and many other things.
I have a bottle to share, simply leave a comment letting me know you'd like it and I'll 
pick a winner on Monday, August 8th! 

Earl says "ooh la la, I feel so French!"
Good luck and Bon Appetit:@)
Herbs de Provence
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp rosemary
1/2 tsp lavender
1 tsp marjoram
1 tsp basil
1/2 tsp sage
1/2 tsp oregano
Mix all and store in an air tight jar.
I'm joining:


  1. I'd love it! Thanks for the opportunity...

  2. I want! I want! I want! Earl looks dashing french!

  3. oh...toss my name in the hat !!!!

    kary and teddy

  4. Sounds like it smells lovely! Oh and Earl you are looking so handsome!
    hugs, Linda

  5. I would just LOVE this great gift.
    I am amazed at anyone able to grow lavender. Just blows my mind.
    Thanks for the sweet chance to win.
    xo bj

  6. Oh Earl, you 'look' so french too! Please enter me, I'd love to have some to use. I do believe that I can get my hands on some bulk savory, let me know if you'd like me to check it out for you. xo

  7. I do not cook much, easier for one to eat out. But I am sure the herbs would be a wonderful addition to ones kitchen. good luck everyone in the give away. Richard at My Old Historic House.

  8. Thanks, Lynn, I would love this. Great on chicken, and home grown from my favorite state? Even better. xo

  9. I have never, ever seasoned with lavender... but I'm always game for something new! I'd love to be entered in the drawing!!

    Blessings, Debbie

  10. I tried to find savory and chervil plants in the spring and had no luck. Of course I'd love that beautiful gift. If I win, will Earl deliver it? I promise not to eat him.


  11. Yes, count me in for your very lovely giveaway. I would love to win this because YOU made it!
    BTW~ speaking of things you have made... I love the zucchini pie and the coconut custard (my favorite pie). They both look impossibly (he-he) good!
    Congratulations for being such an inspiration, I second that!

  12. What a lovely giveaway! Love the lavender. I have no luck in growing it.

    Irma :)

  13. oh count me in too please!!

  14. Lynn, You are a very creative and energetic cook! What I cook from day to day, I won't blog about. Afterall, everyone knows how to make Kraft Mac and cheese! lol I do enjoy baking, however. Your post is timely. I just purchased 8 oz of culinary lavender, and 3 books that talk about how to use it including the making of herbs de Provence. How sweet of you to make some to give away!
    Blessings, Beth

  15. I would love to try this! Your lavender is so pretty. Earl looks very handsome today!

  16. Lynn, That's such a lovely giveaway and your lavender is beautiful. Please put my name in the pot for the giveaway. Just looking at Earl with the wine glass and moustache...giggle. He's such a jambon.(ham)

  17. Debb, her mother, Jo, and Linda all leave are comments and followers - how did we miss each other.


  18. What a great idea. Put my name in the pot.

  19. What a fun, and personal, giveaway. Is there anything much better than lavender? Joni

  20. Count me in. Earl is so debonaire.

  21. This is my all time fav spice. Best on roast chicken - in my red revol roaster LOL But I have used it on pork, potatoes and in my chicken pot pies... Mmmmmm

  22. Love this!! Thanks for the chance. Earl seems to be enjoying his wine :)

  23. I too would be honored if I were to win this... I am ALWAYS trying to expand what I'm cooking in my home for my kidlets and this would for sure provide a new flavor for us!

  24. Please tell Monsieur Earl that I would be delighted to win these Herbs de Provence! He looks quite the little Frenchy gentleman with his stylish moustache! Thanks, Lynn!

  25. I love herbs de provence and I am running low - hint hint.

  26. How wonderful! I'd love to share a bit of your harvest.

  27. Beautiful, I can just smell the scent from here!
    Earl is tres cool :)

  28. I agree with Earl!..count me in!

  29. Coming by to catch up and there's a give away? Perfect timing!!! Great give away too!

  30. I am just awed that you make your own!

  31. Oh yes, I would like that! It must smell wonderful too....Christine

  32. Hi Lynn! Oh, I'd love a chance to win it.
    Thank you for putting my button on your blog! Yay, you're coming to my party!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  33. How lovely! Since I have lavender in my gardens, however, so I'll pass this time. You are so generous!

  34. Mmmmmmm, lavender. One of the most comforting scents ever! I feel better just looking at your pictures. =>

  35. Hello.
    I'm visiting from Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.

    My wife's the cook in the family and she & I both love lavender. It's such a soothing scent and of course it's purple, which is one of my favorite colors.

    Thanks for sharing.

    You can find me here:
    Pages Of Love

  36. pick me pick me.. :) much easier to win than make my own...
    I dont know how to say that in French though :)

  37. How Id like it?

    Oooo! I may not be able to handle some things very well in the kitchen, but every year at Christmas for the last 5 years I have made duck...and thats how I'd like it - on our duck!!! Using your mix with your culinary Lavender added would be a change up for us - we have never successfully grown the stuff - its always been stunted... You must share your secret to growing it!

    I knew you and I had something more in common ;) - i have been drying my own for years (herbs. kitchen herbs. what were you thinking?lol) Right now I have boxwood oregano growing on the porch along with chives...and I recently found wild catnip out by the pond for Tomez & Isabel! I found that using the "keep warm" setting on my oven dries any herb in a few hours or less, keeping their essence in and keeping their color well- although drying the catnip was a bit overpowering -couldnt get the darn cats away from the oven lol

  38. I'd love to have the thyme to use it for now i'll read your blog and live vicariously

  39. I think I'd enjoy giving it a try. It would be a new cooking experience.

  40. You are a herb lover after my own heart...lavender is my favorite. Thank you for the opportunity to win this lovely is classic!

  41. I love giveaway please enter me! You are so fun, changing up your blog and doing such fun fabulous things! Anne

  42. What a wonderful giveaway! The scent of real lavender is just heavenly.

  43. I'd like it. I've tried to grow lavender before, didnt do good for me, I need to try again, I do so love the smell :)

  44. I would love to be entered - thank you :)

    My attempt at growing lavender failed this year.

  45. Oh, I'd love to be a winner of your wonderful herbs!!

  46. Your lavender looks amazing! When I harvest mine I make lavender wands and lavender soap... I think I did a post about it a long time ago.

    I love Lavender.

    Good Rule: Keep Cool
    ~Rainey @ The Project Table~

  47. There's nothing like herbes de provence. Especially made with your own lavender.

  48. I would love it! Home made.....I bet it really smells great:)

  49. I would love it.. totally, it's my favorite seasoning. Regardless, a very generous give away! Thanks for the chance. xo marlis

  50. Nothing like home grown herbs de provence! Thanks for including me!

  51. Please put my name in the hat to win this! Thank you so much!

    Mary L

  52. Just last week was my first experience with fresh lavendar and now I am hooked. Would love to win this!! Thanks!!

  53. Oh wow, this is amazing! I'd LOVE to be entered!! Wishing you a happy weekend!


  54. Hi Earl and Lynn,
    I would just love to accept this lovely gift of Herbs de Provance from such a fine French gentleman and a wonderful cook and gardener. I would be so excited to try these special herbs, I can almost smell the wonderful blend of herbs. Thank you so much for stopping by to see me today at Full Plate Thursday!
    Miz Helen

  55. Someone will be so very lucky! (Hope it's me.)

  56. What a great giveaway! I certainly would not be upset if you chose my name. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  57. What a lovely and generous giveaway!

    I have been making this herb mix for years (lavender seems to like the spring climate here!) so don't enter me...

    But I just had to smile at your perfect little surprise for everyone this week.

    You are a gem!



Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!