
Friday, July 8, 2011

Non-Salty Chipped Beef

Hey everyone, whatcha having for breakfast this weekend? How about Chipped Beef! Folks that don't care for it usually say it's too salty, well there's a very easy fix for that... Soak it in hot tap water for about a count of 10. That's it, problem solved! I usually buy the little jars but I've also (carefully) soaked the beef in the pouch. It's not the prettiest subject for photos but it is a good breakfast!

You will need:

Chipped Beef 101
1. Fill the jar with hot tap water, count to 10... (one Mississippi, etc.)
2. Drain the water and chop up your onion and the meat.
3. In 10" skillet melt butter and cook onion over medium heat until it starts to get tender.

4. Add the flour.
5. Stir flour into the butter and onions and cook for about one minute.
6. Add the milk and stir until it's not lumpy.

7. While constantly stirring, turn the heat up a bit until the milk begins to bubble. Turn the heat down to medium and cook until the milk thickens up. Add pepper to taste.
8. Add the meat, trying to separate it as you put it in.
9. Turn off the stove and let the meat heat through. Check for seasoning, you may actually have to add some salt back into it!

Chipped Beef
One 2.25oz jar of Dried Beef
1 1/2 Tblsp butter
1/4 onion, baseball size, diced
1 Tblsp A/P flour
1 C milk
S&P to taste
Sautee onion in butter till soft. Add flour, cook for a minute, add milk. While stirring constantly, bring to a gentle boil, reduce heat and stir until thickened. Add beef and serve over bread or potatoes.

  • This can be served over bread, biscuits, potatoes, anything. Add a couple fried eggs and some fruit and you have a very hearty breakfast.
  • This is basically just a white sauce with meat. I added a little extra butter for the onion.
  • Oh... and you don't need a cool spatula with little pigs on it, but it sure brings something to the party!


  1. This is one I think I will pass on! I can't get my Dad out of my head saying it's chipped **** on toast! lol.

    hugs, Linda

  2. One of my favorite breakfasts is Chipped Beef on Buttered Toast. I am starving for it. :))

  3. This was pretty much a staple when I was stationed in the army. There was always chipped beef. We used to call it s**t on a shingle. It was tasty and a great way to start your morning. Kept you full all day! Brings back such great memories!

  4. I've never had chipped beef, only heard of it. This seems like a wonderful pantry recipe. I'm guessing that the beef has a pretty long shelf life? Thanks!

    Blessings, Debbie

  5. i have some chipped venison in the freezer that my BIL gives me every year...LOVE LOVE LOVE it :D'
    when we go out to eat breakfast i always get it on potatoes :D
    think i'll get that pack out of the freezer this weekend :D

  6. Hmm, I've never had this before. Now, I'm curious. I've had the chipped beef mixed in with cream cheese and chives to make a sort of cheese ball and served it with crackers. It will be interesting to try this out on my family ; ) Thanks for sharing!

  7. I used to make this dish all the time when I was in my twenties. I really love it. Maybe I should start making it again as it is so comforting. Thanks for reminding me!

  8. My mom used to call that Sh** on the Shingles! Around here, the older half of the family ~ Paul and I ~ loooooooove chipped beef!!

  9. I've never ever had it, but it looks good to me. I have heard of it as SOS though, LOL!

  10. Oh...this brings back warm and fuzzy memories!! My mom used to serve it on toast when we were kids and I LOVED it. I have to make it again. Thanks for the recipe!


  11. I grew up with this with peas in it for supper. Never thought of it for breakfast!

  12. Well, I love this! I quit eating it years ago, due to the salt. I will try your soaking method. There is also a good beef dip using this, I wonder about soaking the beef before using in that dip too? Thanks!

  13. Lynn, That looks delicious! Great remake for the low sodium dietary needs. We always called it dried beef gravy. Reminds me also that I love biscuits and (sausage) gravy. Can you tell I am hungry now? lol
    Blessings, Beth

  14. This was a childhood favorite--the saltier, the better. I haven't done it in years but will try your desalination technique. Actually, I do that with country ham and it works well.

    Have a great weekend.


  15. I could live on this slop. NO, seriously, I love it and could eat it all the time even though it looks like slop. :-) YUMMO!!!


  16. Reminds me of my childhood! Think I'll have to try it again, thanks!

  17. How DO you make simple food look so good?

  18. My mother used to make it, but with no onions -- I would love the addition of the onions. What a great tip to make it less salty. There is something so down homey about this and such fond memories of eating this at the table when I was a child. Joni

  19. My mom used to make this a lot, and my dad called it S.O.S.- I remember that she always soaked it as well. I love it but hardly ever make it. I'm so glad you posted it to remind me to make it for breakfast one morning! :)

  20. My husband and I were just talking about this! I had it all the time as a kid for dinner. I haven't had it in years. Amazing the jar looks the same!

  21. I was reading some previous comments and had to laugh at the "sos". That is what my dad calls it also. I have always told my kids I am making them SOS for I really can only I will use the Chipped Beef name and your delicious recipe!! Thanks!!

  22. Goodness. You've almost made me wish I weren't a vegetarian~almost...

  23. Lynn, this used to be a favorite of DH's, pre-heart attack, but I've not made it since, due to the high salt content. He'll be thrilled when I try doing it your way!
    Thanks for the tip!!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Jordan requested this last week. I have the ingredients but haven't made it yet. Dad and Jordan love it, but I always eat cereal and toast when I make it. :o)

  26. Looks yummy! I've only used dried beef in appetizer recipes but your breakfast looks too good not to try. I know my hubby would adore this.

  27. Creamed chipped beef is one of my favorite things for breakfast. My mom used to make it when I was little. I haven't made it in a long time, but believe it or not I did order it at a restaurant in NJ. I never knew restaurants served it.
    Thanks for the tip.:)

  28. Used to have this as kid and even for many years as an adult. I would put the chipped beef in a colander and pour a kettle of boiling water over it. Once it drained, it was ready for the gravy. But I never thought of putting onions in it! Just did what my mom did1


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