
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Well, I tried...

Hey everyone-Happy Foodie Friday! I've been frustratingly playing with the Williams-Sonoma Message Cookie Cutters again. It seems most of us have a love/hate relationship with these cookie cutters, today I lean towards the latter... Most love the idea behind personal messages, but aren't fond of the recipe you kinda have to use. It's a little lacking in flavor and kind of tough. So I spent some time reviewing comments on the W-S site and thought I'd make some dough.

The idea was cookies from the kids for Father's Day, one from a daughter and one from a son.
I'll let you decide which is which:@)

Some folks said there is a simple adjustment to the W-S recipe that makes them taste so much better, more butter (who'da guessed?), use 2 sticks and add an extra yolk. I had reservations about the extra egg yolk because I figured it would make the dough puff up more during baking blurring the letters... I was right. The cookies above say "I Love You Daddy" and "Dear Dad Send Money" in case you can't read them.

Fun discovery: Many folks would like to be able to use the words but with different cutters or shapes. Well, if you simply unscrew the top knob the plate that holds the words will come out of the cookie cutter. I stored the spring in the mesh bag with the letters in case I want to put that cutter back together down the road. Now you can use your favorite zombie cutter and say Happy Halloween or bunny at Easter, whatever!

As for the difficulty in getting the letters into the press, the only solution is to take an emery file and very gently file the bumps on the back of the letters down a bit. Maybe take a little off the top and bottom if visually not smooth. A little work, but it only needs to be done once.

So the bottom line is-at this time, while these additions tasted great,
they didn't work with the words so I have no great tips to share for a tastier, flakier cookie.
How is your day going?

Don't forget the Pillsbury Doughboy Cook-Along, June 15th-Details HERE!
Hope to see you there:@)


  1. But it had to be worth all of that effort just for Happier than a Pig... to have a pig cookie on her blog that says, "have a happy day." I LOVE it!

    Blessings, Debbie

  2. Thanks Lynn, You were very helpful...Don't you just LOVE the way we have comments on sights with recipes SO it makes our life SO MUCH EASIER. In the vintage days they only had their cookbooks and gossiped about it at the picket fence. Does anyone go next door anymore to borrow a cup of sugar??? hehe!
    Big Hugs to you,

  3. They look good! Love the Dad's day cookies, send money, LOL!

  4. What a novel idea! Just great.

  5. I have no tip; but those are cool cookies! I love the send money.

  6. These look great to me! And I'm sure taste even better! You can send all rejected cookies to me, Lynn, all are welcome! :-) xo,

  7. I haven't seen these yet. Obviously, I do live in a cave. I have used my lettering thingybobber for fondant on cookies. I may just stick to that now though. Love your father's day cookies! Those are so cute! What if you chilled the dough before rolling it out? Or do they have you do that already? Maybe a bit more vanilla? Just guessing here.

  8. I have them. I forget what recipe I used for them though. not the one on the box. (I used a shortbread recipe, just remembered. Tastes much better! )

    Got them in the outlet of course. You knew I was going to say that, right?
    I made them for gsons bday party. They were a little tricky. I set the letters up holding it up to a mirror to avoid mistakes!

  9. oh ya that makes total sense. you'd have to use a certain recipe so the message wouldn't disappear in baking. i hadn't even thought of that.

  10. Great ideas. I have been tempted to buy really investigated it well.


  11. I was going to suggest shorbread recipe, like Kathleen said. Very cute product but too bad the designers didn't work out the bugs themselves! xo

  12. Looks like too much work......but, I do like, Dear Dad Send Money!!! Hope you stop by....I made your Roasted Tomatoes two ways!:)

  13. I think that they came out great! How clever to send a message on a cookie!

  14. I had a box of those cutters in my hand at W-S and decided against buying them. The cookies are cute but they sound like they need a lot of fussing. I would probably try a shortbread recipe.

  15. No tips, but this is really cool! I could read your messages just fine.

  16. Cute as can be and I'll bet tasty too!
    I can't imagine anything you cook not being delicious!
    I want some pig cookies NOW!
    You can put "Eat more Chicken" on mine and Earl's!

  17. LOVE the "eat more chicken" idea! I needed that today:@)

  18. What an adorable idea. I love the cookie messages. Anyone would love these.

  19. I bet that was a good way to spend your are cute though.

  20. Judging from the cookies's appearance, I see nothing wrong with them. Just need to taste before passing judgment.

  21. I think they look great. I haven't seen these before and will be looking on line at WS as soon as I finish.

  22. They may not be the tastiest but they sure look cute! Love the little pig!

  23. went to a lot work to "improve" upon the W-S recipe, but I think they still turned out cute! And I could read them. But, my favorite was your little pig at the end! :)

  24. You've gotta love a pig message cookie! Oink! Glad you were able to finally get good results.

  25. Fun messages! Love the send $ and happy day pig :-)

  26. Thanks for the review. I almost got the same cookie kit a while ago. But I don't think I want hard and tasteless cookies! LOL. But very clever in switching the words with other cookie cutters. Love that idea.

  27. What cool cookies! The one's for Father's Day are wonderful!!
    Have fun with these.

  28. I could read them...but I can't taste them and I am hungry. I sure could go for a cookie right now.

  29. I haven't tried this WS product yet. Maybe I'll enjoy you using it!
    Love your piggy cookie... is it bacon flavored?

  30. Haven't tried these, but they look like fun. Clever of you! Thanks for the reminder of the Pillsbury Doughboy party. ~ Sarah

  31. Thanks for the tips, Lynn....Christine

  32. Zombie letters?

    It's a shame you had to mess around so much to get satisfactory results. I bought the message cutters, but haven't used them yet. Thanks for the great tips.

    Happy FF.

  33. I have a Martha Stewart stamp for cards that has the individual letters. What a PAIN! Love the idea though.

  34. It is nice to know that others struggle with getting these things right...I always think it is just me.
    I would then try to fill in the letters with colored icing to make them stand out more and then they would look like they say things like "I dove a Baddy" or something.

  35. I have these cookie cutters & they just about drove me to drink! I could NOT get the letters in & out for love nor money. I shall try filing them but honestly, they really should have figured out a better way.

    Thanks for the recipe changes. I'm taking notes.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!