
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Homemade Pickling Spice and Miz Helen's Pickle Pot

Hey everyone! I've been dying to try Miz Helen's Pickle Pot since the minute I saw it! My garden cukes aren't ready yet so I picked up some local ones from the store. I combined a few recipes from the net and my Ball Blue Book to make a pickling mix. Making your own mix is great because you can add what you want to and 1.5oz of Pickling Spice was $5.39 today at the store! It also helps use up the spices you have,
newer spices=tastier spices.
Pickling Spice
2 Tblsp mustard seed
1 1/2 Tblsp whole allspice (you can use 1-2 Tblsp)
2 tsp coriander (add it if you'd like, it's in most mixes)
1/2 tsp whole cloves
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp dried red pepper flakes (up to 1 tsp)
4 bay leaves, crumbled (I don't think you can add too many of these, add more if you'd like)
1 cinnamon stick, 2-2 1/2", crushed
1/2 tsp celery seed-optional
1 tsp black peppercorns
Break up cinnamon, tear bay leaves into bits, mix all, store in an airtight container.
This makes approx 4 Tblsp, enough for 2 quart jars of pickles. If there's a little mix left over, just add it to your pickle jar and use it up.

Pickle Pot
Sterilize a quart jar.
Add 3 cloves of garlic (Oops, I see Miz Helen makes three layers, 
adding one clove of garlic to each).
Slice up an onion that's about the size of a peach. Add half to jar, sprinkle with 1/2 tsp salt.
Fill jar to half way with sliced cucumbers, sprinkle with 1/2 tsp salt.
Add 1 tablespoon pickling spices, homemade or store bought.
Repeat the above to fill jar.

Fill jar 3/4 with white vinegar, gently shake jar to disperse air bubbles, make sure you fill it 3/4.
Top jar off with water.
Add lid and shake to mix well.
Place in fridge and wait two weeks to eat... right:@)
You can see Miz Helen's post HERE.
I'll add my comments to this every couple days so you know how things are coming along.
Note: This can be made in any clean glass jar (I happen to be using a canning jar) 
and it is a marinated pickle, it must be kept in the fridge.
Have a happy day!

Day 1.5 - Important, don't use a metal canning lid for this, it will get rusty. I've just put plastic wrap over the jar until I find another one to use (or pick up plastic lids). I grew up eating fresh pickles, I don't see how these will make it to 2 weeks! I'm enjoying them already.
Day 5 - Crunchy and a bit sour, very flavorful with the spices and just a touch of heat... nom, nom, nom...
Day 15 - Very good! Kind of sour, kind of fruity, kind of hot. Love the onions too.

Full Plate Thursday
Thrifty Things Friday-affordable spice mix, pickles from the garden
Foodie Friday
Farmgirl Friday
Friday Food


  1. Those look so good! I haven't pickled anything in a couple years - I think I need to change that this summer - thanks for the reminder!

  2. That's funny that we both did a post on Pickles. They looks so good, can't wait to try them. I am so glad Miz Helen did her post on these:)

  3. Oh Yum! I can pickles every year and have never tried to make refridgerator pickles. Can you believe that? I have all these ingredients except for the cukes. they still aren't ready here either. I will pick some up tomarrow and I am going to try this. Thank you for joining TTF and have a great day Lynn!

  4. Thanks for the spice recipe, every season when I go to purchase it, I remind myself to find a recipe..I'm with you for not want to pay that price.

  5. I don't even have to ask how delicious this is.... I can tall already!


  6. Lynn, I bet these are much more flavorful and crunchier than store bought.

  7. Yummy! Would love to have you share at Turning the Table Thursday...stop by every Thursday to link up!

    Around My Family Table

  8. I keep seeing your blog name at alot of the sights i comment on so I've come to visit,, yum yum,, these look so good!So does the pretzel bark,, I've made bark but never with pretzels,, wow,, that salty ness would be great,

  9. I remember seeing your pickles last year and saying that I was going to try them. Still havent but still have it on my to do list. We were just talking about pickles at the family dinner on Sunday. My moms were always mushy, so maybe that is why I am shy about trying them. Definitely love eating them!

    On the cheeseballs, although I love chocolate, I like the lemon one better in this recipe, besides it being so pretty.

  10. These sound wonderful. I will be making them soon along with your pickling spice. Thanks.


  11. Oh wow that looked good just by looking at the first picture but then i saw your last picture and it REALLY LOOKED GOOD!!!!

    can't wait until you try it and tell us about it!


  12. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU" for this recipe! I WILL be making this! WHERE do you get your celery seed(and if you don't mind me asking, How much does it cost?). I am looking for the best price BECAUSE I found out it is VERY GOOD for arthritis and my family needs it! It's worth a try... I want to keep a shaker of it available and I'll be "SPRINKLING it on just about everything, hehe"!!!
    Have a great week,

  13. These make for a very pretty presentation. They sound yummy, too!

  14. I love pickles and have always wanted to make my own. Can't wait to try this one out! Thanks!!

  15. Mmmmm..those look so good! I just might have to try making pickels some time. Greetings from your newest follower.

  16. Waiting is the hardest thing about recipes like this! Love the pickling spice recipe! Thanks for posting it!

  17. Love this Lynn! Miz Helen has started a Pickle Pot frenzy!!! lol Great Post!

  18. I am wondering if this same mix can also be used for canning. I bet it could. Great mix! The photo looks like you did a perfect job!

  19. These pickles look so easy to make! I have plenty of cucumbers and probably some pickling spice. I'll have to give these a try! :)

  20. OMG these look so easy!! Adding it to my list of to do's for the summer!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  21. Hello Lynn,
    thank you for this yummy pickling spice recipe. I love pickles.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  22. Makes my mouth pucker just imagining the flavors! Yum!

    Regarding your comment on my bowl, I have two of the Wexford bowls as well, both big & small. I also have the same white plate with the reticulated edge you used in your prior post & often thread it with various colors for specific holidays. I think we must have been twins, separated at birth! LOL

  23. Did you see the pig rolls on Teeny's site???? Instantly thought of you!!!

  24. you are really one of my most favorite blogs to visit...i LOVE this....looks so old fashion and summery

    and BALL BLUE BOOK....i want one...


    have a great weekend, my friend


  25. This makes such a beautiful presentation. From looking at the ingredients I bet it tastes wonderful as well. I will be checking the progress. Hugs, Ginger

  26. My brother-in-law adores pickles. I can't wait to share this with him. He'll be your biggest fan.

    Happy Foodie Friday.

  27. Thanks so much for stopping by Friday Food on Momtrends. I'm psyched to find another pickle-lover. Your photos are gorgeous too.

  28. I just love the spice that you put together for My Pickle Pot. The next time I make one I will use your spice mix. I make them all the time and give them away, but I never give mine away. I am so glad that you are enjoying it. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and I look forward to seeing you again real soon. Hope you have a great week end!
    Miz Helen

  29. I can hardly wait to get my first cucumber! This looks just yummy.

  30. This brings back memories... My mom used to can pickles and remember the scent of that process coming from the kitchen!
    Love this!

  31. Thanks for posting this recipe. I try to make as much of my foods homemade as possible. Loving your blog so far. :)

  32. Finally, I have some cukes ready in our garden! I'm making this right after I get off the computer.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!