
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Easy Bread and Butter Pickles for July 4th!

Hey everyone! Our friend Yvonne at StoneGable has started a new weekly meme-On The Menu Monday! It can be for the week or for a specific event. This week I'm planning and sharing a recipe for the 4th of July that needs to be made at least five days ahead of time.

Mamaw's Refrigerator Bread and Butter Pickles.
These pics are from last year, they are a great, simple, crispy pickle!
I think you'll be happy if you add them to your July 4th menu:@)

I made 1/2 batch using my Lock-N-Lock bowl.
Cukes, onion and peppers, I didn't have bell peppers so I added  one Hungarian wax and three small Jalapenos from the garden. I wanted to try a pickle with a little heat to it!
I'm going to make the green bell peppers stated in the recipe this year.
Vinegar, sugar, celery seed, salt, add lid and shake... this is starting to look good!
Gotta believe any recipe by Mamaw has to be a good one!
I copied this before I started blogging so I didn't note who it was from, I found it on-line.
This recipe's a keeper! 
Note: It does assume we have access to fresh garden or farm stand cukes.

Mamaw's Refrigerator Bread and Butter Pickles
7 C sliced, unpeeled cucumbers
1 C sliced onion
1 C sliced green peppers
1 C cider vinegar
2 C sugar
1 Tblsp celery seed
1 Tblsp salt
Mix everything together cold and store covered in fridge. Let sit for 5 days so flavors can mingle. The author writes these keep for months in the fridge, if they last that long!

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  1. I love bread and butter pickles. This sounds so super easy and I am all about super easy lately. You always come up with the best recipes!

  2. Hi lovely lady.
    I also love bread and butter pickles with hot dogs or hambugers SO GOOD. Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my new Tablescape. I hope you are having a great day.
    xxoo Diane

  3. One of my favorite pickles. I buy them in the store all the time. They are not nearly as good as home made. You must dearly enjoy cooking and canning. I know your family is never disappointed when they set down to a meal.

  4. Mmm never tried these pickles - they look tasty!

    Just stopped by to let you know that I featured your yoyo napkin rings on facebook this morning - - an extra way to feature more favourites from my Round Tuit linky party!
    Hope you come back and link up again this week!
    Round Tuit 55
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  5. Those little pickling cucumbers should be showing up in our farmer's market soon and I'm making these because they are my favorite!


  6. I love bread and butter pickles. I'm thinking the addition of those jalapenos is going to give you the heat you are looking for.

    Happy 4th of July!

  7. Sliced green peppers... are they jalapenos??


  8. Last year I used some Jalapenos Di (very good), this year I'm using bell peppers:@)

  9. I can just hear these crunch in my mouth and don't know if i will get them done by the fourth.. but sometime this summer. I'm catching up, so i'm late late late.. but your recipes are keepers.. love the green beans and potatoes too.. yummy. Thanks for sharing. many blessings, marlis

  10. Oh yum! I LOVE B & B pickles! I think I will try them with some jalapenos. I just picked abut 12 of them and was thinking of things to make besides stuffing them with cream creese and frying them. LOL

  11. My daughter is crazy about bread and butter pickles - can't wait to try this out. Thanks!

  12. Can't wait to try this cucs recipe! You're such a wonderful cook, wow...I mean, chef! I'm always loving your recipes, so thank you for sharing hubby will love this! I'm at Seasonal Sunday with a pie and a Patriotic Tablescape. Lots of hugs, Fabby

  13. Lynn, This is a recipe after my own heart! Perfect for the 4th of July! And it is easy and summer picnic friendly.
    You are a darling to join me in the first ON THE MENU MONDAY!
    Thank you so much for participating!
    xo Yvonne

  14. These look so very Yummy!!! I've never this type of pickles before, but I think I will give them at try as soon as our field cucs come out! Thank you!

  15. Love the idea of adding the jalapeno peppers to the mix, I bet it give the pickles a great kick.

    Thought of your Blog title yesterday when I saw a cute pig in an antique shop. He was about two feet tall and had a cute face.

  16. Lynn~ I'm happy to have this recipe! Believe it or not my FIL used to make refrigerator pickles when he was growing cukes & peppers and I never got his recipe. Happy 4th!

  17. Hi Lynn, Bread and butter pickles are my favorite kind of pickles but I have never made my own! this looks very easy so I will definitely try them tomorrow! Linda

  18. These are my favorite pickle..I am going to try this recipe - looks so easy to do!

  19. Bread and Butter pickles are my favorites! I love their tangy sweet flavor. I think I'd also love the addition of jalopeno pepper heat!

  20. I am making a big jar of your Bread and Butter's to put in the refrigerator by my Pickle Pot. I will soon have an entire shelf devoted to pickles. We will just love you pickles! Thanks for sharing and have a great day!
    Miz Helen
    You're right, I always have the Hot Dogs in reserve when they go fishing!

  21. hmmmm looking yummy!

    As always!


  22. My mouth is watering! I LOVE bread and butter pickles. I can't wait to try these, they sound so easy! Thank you!

  23. now this looks like something I can make and will LOVE from have many wonderful things here!

  24. favorite pickle in the whole world. I will try this and should have time to have them for the 4th. I love all your like the easy, fast ones, too, and that's right up my alley.:))
    xo bj

  25. sounds healthy n awesome..
    chanced upon your space while blog hopping..amazing space you have..
    love your posts..
    Am your happy follower now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  26. Hi Lynn, I love this easy seasonal recipe! Thanks for sharing!
    Ciao, bella! xxoo

  27. No cook,no mess,no jar/lid wash,no fuss, my kinda recipe fun! We got plenty of cukes!

  28. Yum! That's great that you make them at home. You know exactly what's involved in that recipe. =D

  29. I'm going to make these right bread and butters!

  30. Yum! Hubby would love these! I made deli pickles myself once and they turned out really good. He's into the bread & butter ones so I know he'd go for these...if he can wait 5 days!

  31. Those look delicious just like my grandma's pickles.

    I've never made pickles. My sister decided to make some for the first time last week. She's decided to just buy them from the grocery store next time.

  32. Oh how delish. Bread and nutter pickles are my favorite! Hugs and have a happy week!

  33. those look so easy and delish. My family loves pickles so will give this one a go.

  34. What a pretty pickle, Lynn. These would be gone in no time at my house. Thanks for sharing a fun new recipe for me!


  35. oh.. so nice post.)
    Love your blog.))

    I now spend a survey of bloggers with such questions.
    1. Why did you create a blog?
    2. For whom you taking him? Want to be popular?
    3. How long will it keep going?

  36. Lynn,
    The pickles look wonderful. I think I would enjoy making them just for the looks!
    The recipe sounds delicious.

  37. Oh my, these sound so good! I just made some microwave bread & butter pickles, but I'd love to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  38. Lynn,

    These look delish!! My Mother also makes the best read and butter pickles!!

    Art by Karena

    I have a New, very fashionable Giveaway on my site! Come and enter!

  39. This is a perfect summer recipe! The peppers are so surprising!

  40. Oh I have never made B&B pickles! This sounds awesome--going to have to try this! Came over from 'round tuit.

  41. Sounds yummy ... and so easy to make I am going to make some ... Thanks for sharing

    Visit me whenever you can

  42. I have 2 pickle mad nepdhews, thay would love these, if I get time I'll make them, if not I'll email my sis the link so she can!

  43. Thank you for sharing this recipe, I'm going to start making some of these right away, great to have around especially in the Summertime. I just wanted to let you know that I featured them on my Top Ten Fav picks this week. Have a great weekend, Mary :O)

  44. I do not like bread & butter pickles, but my hubby does. I made these and added 1t red pepper flakes - loved the idea of giving them a little spice. Hubby said they were the best pickles he ever ate! They smelled so good I had to try them....yum, they are actually good! This is only bread and butter pickle I have ever liked. I just picked a bunch of cucumbers from my garden yesterday, so I will be making another pot of them today.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!