
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sheet Pound Cake!

Hi everyone! I'm happy to be joining Foodie Friday and Suzy for her Great Cooking Magazine Challenge today. I chose a recipe from the May 2009 Issue of Martha Stewart Living, Sheet Pound Cake.
I decided to use it to make a trifle for dessert today, my first trifle.

Not much to show folks, here it is out of the oven. 

Once it cooled I cubed it and layered it with sweetened strawberries and chocolate pudding.
Not a bad centerpiece:@)
Sheet Pound Cake
1 C a/p flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
5 Tblsp butter, softened
3/4 C sugar
1/2 tsp lemon zest (optional, I didn't have a lemon)
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 large eggs
1/3 C whole milk (I used 2%)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Line a 9x13 rimmed baking sheet (quarter cookie sheet) with parchment.
  3. Whisk together flour, baking powder and salt.
  4. Cream butter and sugar till fluffy. Add zest and vanilla. Add eggs one at a time.
  5. Add flour in two additions, alternating with milk.
  6. Spread into prepared sheet pan. Bake till tester comes out clean, approx 15-17 minutes.
  7. Cool.
  • Take the time to try to spread it out evenly, it doesn't spread much while baking. This is where that offset spatula I bought would have helped... maybe I'll remember it next time!
  • I find that this does not cook faster than expected (as my Jelly Roll cake does). See my finger print where the cake stuck to my finger? I won't check it early next time.
  • This is a nice cake to cut shapes out of with cookie or biscuit cutters. 
  • Great cake for a trifle!
Hope you love it if you try it!


  1. This just looks yummy! The strawberries look so delicious. We are getting some really tasty ones right now, locally grown.

    Such a sweet pic on your last post. Mommas and babies -- oh, my!

    Have to try the Wheat Choc. Chip Cookies. I really try to cook as healthy as possible, but we both enjoy something a bit sweet after dinner. If I can make something that has some healthier ingredients, it really does make it feel okay.

    Hope you are having a very Happy Mother's Day.

  2. An edible centerpiece is sure to be a big hit! It looks great! Enjoy your day and thanks for stopping by. xo,

  3. Happy Mother's Day, Lynn!

    You may want to hide your pretty dessert or You Know Who will have his snout in it....

  4. What a great cake for a truffle, looks great and what a show stopper for a centerpiece!

  5. Did you have trouble keeping EARL out of that beautiful dessert? hahaahhhaaa.....I just love Earl.
    Happy Day, bj

  6. I've never made this with chocolate pudding before...I use vanilla and mix it with whipping cream. The chocolate looks really pretty and would really change things up a bit.

    I hope you have a wonderful day!

  7. Happy Mother's Lynn!! That turned out very pretty and yummy looking too. The sheet cake is a great idea, how simple. Enjoy your day! xo

  8. This looks beautiful and yummy! Happy Mother's Day ... we're off for Sunday dinner out with the family! Somebody else gets to cook for a change!

  9. Looks beautiful. I like the chocolate pudding & strawberries idea! I need a good pound cake recipe in my arsenal. I'll have to give this one a try. I like that its cooked in a pan and not a loaf - my oven is goofy lately. Thanks for playing along this month :-) With your encouragement I think I am going to make it a monthly event.

  10. I HAVE THAT SAME EXACT COMPOTE BOWL!!! and so does BJ from Sweet Nothings!!

    Your trifle looks Fabulous!

    Wishing you a very Happy Mothers Day!


  11. What a gorgeous dessert! I haven't made a trifle-type dessert in ages but I've always loved them.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  12. Yummy and very doable. Wishes for a wonderful Mother's Day!

  13. Oh! it looks divine, like a good old fashioned English trifle but with chocolate!

  14. Uhhh...I love this Pound cake recipe! Thank you for sharing sweetie and thank you for your ever so nice visit, I wish you the same, a very beautiful MD for you.

  15. All I can say is ~YUM!!!!

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  16. I love pound cake. But alas, im not domesticated so it wont turn out as pretty as yours..but i think I may try making it anyway! FERAL POUND Cake here we come!

  17. That's one great looking triffle. Hard to resist anything with chocolate and strawberries!

  18. Trifle? Truffle is a fungus or a delicious little bon bon.
    Either way it looks fabulously yummy.

  19. This is a stunning dessert. Wouldn't I love a piece right now? Yummy.

  20. Oh gosh, I'm wanting chocolate and pound cake really bad!!! What a lovely, yummy dessert.


  21. A fabulous centerpiece. Delicious!

  22. This looks like the perfect Mothe's day treat!

  23. Lynn, such a nice looking desert. Joni

  24. Oh, it looks scrumptious! Thank you for the awesome recipe, it's one I'll have to make soon!


  25. So yummy looking, Lynn! Hope you're enjoying Mother's Day and I hope you will sign up for my giveaway!...Christine

  26. I love making and eating Trifles! They are aownderful dessert to make when summer fruit is plentiful!

  27. This looks so good, I would be in big trouble because I would probably eat more than my share. Love your presentation also. I hope you had a fabulous Mother's Day. Hugs, Marty

  28. This looks so good! I bought a trifle bowl last summer but haven't used it yet. This is definitely tempting me now. :)

  29. Oh, my goodness! I love trifle but have only had the traditional kind. I will definitely indulge my love of chocolate by making this one. Thanks for the recipe and the tantalizing photo...:)

    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

  30. I love trifle. It's one of my top favorite recipes. I also love the idea of a sheet pound cake. That sounds so much easier for some reason than the usual way.

  31. The cake sounds delicious and your trifle is worthy of a spot center table. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  32. No, I wouldn't mind seeing that in the center of my table. In fact, my birthday is next week and Betty Crocker lives here. I think I'll just drop a not so subtle hint!

    Blessings, Debbie

  33. Wow, that looks fantastic! What a great dessert and so beautiful. I love cooking magazines, even if I never try anything from them - just eye candy to me! What a fun party, wish I had heard of it!

  34. What a wonderful combo. The vanilla of the cake, chocolate and strawberries. It doesn't get much better than that. You always come up with such tasty and simple to make recipes. I like recipes that one can make with what you have on hand. Another winner.
    Thanks for visiting the Azores with me. We still laugh about the cows in the road.
    Hugs, Ginger

  35. OOoo My... I'm gonna have to make it soon! Looks really good.

  36. my GOSH, trifle! and yum. and TRIFLE YUM! ha. and fantastic sheet cake recipe by martha. thanks so much for sharing, love you and your blog :)

  37. Aren't trifles fun? I love the idea of a pound cake baked on a sheet tray - will be saving this recipe!!

  38. Hi, I am a new follower, having found your blog through Tammy's. She talked about your recipe so I had to come on over for a peek. Glad that I did. ~Debby

  39. I've been vacationing and out of blogland and have some catching up to do! Your sheetcake and creation both look could use this in so may ways. Thanks, Lynn.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!