
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kettle Corn

Hey everyone! I had a craving for something a little sweet (yea, imagine) and thought I'd re-post this recipe for Kettle Corn before it gets too humid to enjoy it! I found it on
Hope you love it if you try it:@)
Homemade Kettle Corn
1/2 C popcorn - I use 1/4 C
1/4 C vegetable or grapeseed oil - I use 1 Tblsp
3 Tblsp sugar - I use 1 Tblsp
Salt to taste. 1/2 - 1 tsp. - I sprinkle some on after it's in the bowl
  1. Add oil, sugar, and 3 kernels to 2-3 quart pan with lid, heat over medium heat.
  2. Once the corn begins to pop add the rest, add lid, and give pan a good shake.
  3. Shake vigorously until popping slows down. Be careful to remove popcorn from pan before it burns.
  4. Pour into bowl, add salt.
  5. Carefully mix the two types of popcorn and allow to cool for a couple minutes.
  6. Once it has completely cooled down, leftovers can be added back to the bag, or a Lock-N-Lock, for storage.
Joy's recipe makes 8-10 cups - I've never measured mine but like to think it makes one serving (ok - maybe two servings!)
Be careful, melted sugar is very hot and sometimes a kernel will pop outside of the pot. 

Y'All get your butter ready...
Don't forget about the Paula Deen Celebrity Cook-Along, linky will be up this Friday!
Just to get you into the mood, here's one of Paula's Popcorn recipes, posted by TastyLikeItShouldBe... Turtle Popcorn

I'm joining:
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday

Foodie Friday
Sweets for Saturday


  1. That sounds like a great after-school snack to me- Yum! :)

  2. Sounds DELICIOUS, perfect for a movie time snack. I'll certainly look forward to this treat!. Thanks for sharing a yummy and easy snack....


  3. You are so great!! Kettle corn. I love Kettle corn!!

    Blessings, Debbie


  5. I am so going to make this! I like to sweeten my popcorn and sometimes add cinnamon too.
    I'm saving this!

  6. My daughter loves kettle corn! I'll have to share this with her.

  7. I love kettle corn and that recipe sounds so good. Joni

  8. I was planning on making a batch of popcorn and this sounds so good..I have started watching the carbs so I might sprinkle some Splenda on it, I know it won't be the same but it won't hurt to try.

    Have a good night. xo

  9. I LOVE popcorn and this sounds "TOO GOOD"!!!

  10. Hi Lynn, I LOVE kettle popcorn. I have never made it. There is some on the market for the microwave but it isn't that good. Hmmmmmm. It sure sounds easy. Just thinkin...
    Hugs, Jeanne

  11. I love Paula Deen also. I show a lot of her recipes on my blog.
    Enjoy your blog Thank you Andi

  12. Hello Lynn,
    that is always a great idea. One need not many time to make it and homemade is so delicious. Thanks for the reminder.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  13. Home made kettle corn... Whoda thunk it? I'm just daft enough to think it was a microwave creation.

  14. Kettle corn is great ! Also looking fwd to your Paula Deen post this Friday :)

  15. A great idea! My kids love it...

  16. YUM! We are just about over Microwave popcorn... my adult kids marveled the other day when I whipped up a batch the 'regular' way, in a pan on the stove! All the meals they have woofed down with no comment and THAT's what it took to impress them!

  17. I am so glad you posted this. Joe makes popcorn on the gas stove every nite but I was not sure how to make Kettle Corn and I love it. It is forbidden to microwave popcorn here!

  18. mmmm...reminds me of the antique market we visit in the summer, and the harvest festival in the fall. LOVE kettle corn!

  19. So easy...who have thought! I am taking care of 6 grands for the next 10 days and need quantity, so this a delicious fit for me. Thanks Lynn.

    PS I see pig things everywhere and think of you, watering cans yesterday!

  20. I love good kettle corn, the sweet with the salty. Nom, nom, nom. I have been known to have popcorn for supper. Shhhh,. don't tell people this.

  21. I've never made this myself...didn't realize you just put the sugar in there with it. I'll do this, I love kettle corn.

  22. That looks great. Love the bowl. Yes, I have to find a recipe to make for the 15th! Buttah, or no buttah!

  23. Yum. Wish I had some right now! ~ Sarah

  24. I love Paula Deen - looking very forward to your linky party!!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!