
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo and Candied Jalapeños!

Hi everyone-Happy Cinco de Mayo! I hope you all enjoy the festivities! And remember,
if you think you see pigs in sombreros, you may have had one too many margaritas:@)

I mentioned the other day that I picked up a big bag of jalapeños. I was just about to put what was left in the freezer when I saw this recipe on So I made half of the recipe as a test batch. 
A "test batch" because I'll be planting 6 jalapeño plants in the garden this weekend!

They say: These sweet, very hot candied jalapeños work equally well as a cocktail garnish, sandwich condiment, cupcake topper, or guacamole ingredient.

  • I did not use the cayenne. 
  • love the lime flavor and think they'd be great on a sandwich or nachos! 
  • I'll slice them thicker next time and leave the peppers in the pot of syrup only until the color changes, then out! A lot less than 4 minutes.
  • I'll post updates over the next couple days as they've had a chance to chill and marinate.
Day One: Num, num, num... lime, sweet and heat, this is going to be a very good thing!
Day Two: Added to the top of nachos, the lime and sweetness really bring them to another level! But make no mistake, these babies are hot!
Day Four: I had a bagel with cream cheese and raspberry jelly so... what the heck, I added a pepper to the top! It was very good, I would make these peppers again.
Hope you love them if you try them!
Candied Jalapeños
1lb jalapeños
2 C sugar
2/3 C cider vinegar
1/2 tsp cayenne (optional)
Freshly grated zest and juice of 2 limes

  1. Sterilize 3 half pint jars and bands.
  2. Slice jalapenos into 1/4" rounds.
  3. Combine sugar, vinegar, cayenne and lime juice in medium sauce pan and bring to boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer until sugar is dissolved and liquid is syrupy, about 5 minutes.  Add peppers and bring back to a simmer. Cook until peppers are slightly wilted and darkened, about 4 minutes.
  4. Using slotted spoon put peppers in jars. Return syrup to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in zest and pour over the peppers. Wipe rims of jars and add lids.
  5. Can in a water bath for 10 minutes or simply store in the fridge for up to 3 months.
Complete safe canning guidelines and procedures can be found HERE.


  1. Candied jalapenos are new to me. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Happy Cinco de Mayo! ~ Sarah

  2. I had to come and read this one cause candied jalapenos caught my attention. These would probably be good as a steak garnish too. I am not a jalapeno fan, but I might have to try these. Thanks for posting the recipe!

  3. Ole'! I can think of 1,000 things to do with these yummy and hot delights! Great recipe!

  4. Never heard of them! That would be something to try. Joni

  5. I have had the jelly but never heard of this, I will be interested to hear your report on this.

    I LOL when I saw the pigs celebrating, how funny! xo

  6. New to me but I think I'd love them on sandwiches! I'd love to try these!

  7. You always have the best recipes!!! This is a new one to me, too, but it sounds wonderful.......and speaking of wonderful....that strawberry rhubarb pie looks so great!!!!!

    Happy Cinco de Mayo!


  8. Oh my girls are going to love that first picture! I'm not sure about the recipe though... :)

    Blessings, Debbie

  9. Oh, this looks like a yumy recipes. It sounds real similar to one my grandparents use to make. I will definitely be trying it!

  10. Jalapenos on cupcakes???? YIKES!

  11. I haven't tried these, but I am such a jalapeno lover that I am going to have to! Yum. I could eat Mexican every day!

  12. my hubby got a jar of something similar and LOVED it! on crackers with a bit of cream cheese spread... :)

  13. They look great. Happy Cinco de Mayo! I have prepared your stuffed jalapenos recipe and am getting ready to put them in the oven!
    Have a great day

  14. I hope I don't see any pigs in sombreros - LOL! I'd love to try these candied jalapenos and you've got me thinking I should try some in the garden this year too.

  15. My husband would just love these....hmmm. Father's Day gift?

  16. Pigs in sombreros....that's normal isn't it!!! LOL!

    Candied jalapenos...ole!!!


  17. Ay carumba! I like the sound of candied jalapeños! The pigs are so cute!

  18. Candied jalapenos sound yummy, actually! I'm a New Mexico girl so I would like stuff like this. Hot and spicy tamale, that's me! LOL The piggies look dapper in their sombreros. ;-) Sue

  19. Oh just one more way to love the jalapeno. I have a bunch in the fridge and need to get on some fresh salsa.

  20. On a cupcake??? Ooo-chee-mama!!


  21. I'll have to remember this recipe & try it this summer, we grow jalapenos every year.

  22. I am lovin' the Mex. pigs! Where do you come up with this stuff? I've never heard of candied peppers. I bet they would be good on nachos. laurie

  23. Mmmmm....sweet and hot- these HAVE to be good! :) Love the festive pigs!

  24. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I featured your Cinco de Mayo recipes from Masterpiece Monday. I made the Arros Con Dulce and the bacon and tomato guacamole, they were sooo good! Thank you for sharing them! Mary :O)

  25. You are up early Lynn. No wonder you get so much done in a day. We get up early because my hubs is still teaching math at the local college part time. This week is his last week and he is off in the summer. He retired to move here and he just went to the college to volunteer to tutor math and they hired him. I think he is going to retire again. HA!

    This looks delicious. We have never tried some that have been preserved with sugar. It does sound good and they look good too.

    If you read my entire post today. Kudos to you. I just couldn't leave anything out. Smile.

    Have a wonderful day.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  26. My Sweetie would love these. Thanks for sharing.

  27. What a great way to use jalapenos. We grow them. I might try this. (I say "might" because I'm lazy sometimes. Grin.)

  28. We love these, too...a really good way to use them that is simple and quick...mix them, with a little of their juice, to cream cheese...ummm, served on crackers, it is sooo good.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!