
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Around the Yard

Hey everyone-Happy Bloomin' Tuesday! Sunny and hot here so I have a few things to show this week.

Strawberries are turning red!

The feverfew's beginning to bloom.

I'm excited because the snow peas are ready to pick. 
I see sweet and sour chicken in my near future!

The neighbor's white honeysuckle-didn't even have to look, I could just smell it!

And lastly, my tomatoes are setting buds.
Only a couple more months till we have tomatoes here in Philly...
Someone needs to come up with a tomato plant for impatient gardeners!
Have a happy day:@)


  1. A pretty & tasty sounding post this week. :)

  2. It looks great! You are such a good gardener.

    My brown thumb is alive and well. I've already lost my cukes, zuchinni, and summer squash...I think they drowned. My strawberries aren't looking great either. The tomato plants are looking hearty so far and the jalapenos are looking pretty healthy as well. I guess we'll be able to make salsa if nothing else.

  3. Looking Great!!! Don't you just love the smell of honeysuckle!!!
    Have a great Tuesday

  4. Oh, but that is what makes the tomato so good. It is worth the wait.

    Until then... farmer's market.

  5. Don't you just love the scent of Honeysuckle?
    I'm still waiting for mine to bloom outside the kitchen window.
    Great pics!

  6. There's always the Farmer's Market til the tomatoes come love the smell of honeysuckle too.

  7. Oh you have fewfever! I love it, mine has died out and trying to replace it has become impossible. Can't wait for those tomato's!!

  8. The gardens look great! I hope you are going to post your recipe about the sweet and sour chicken. Sounds yummy! Love the smell of honeysuckle! Lucky you!

  9. Hi Lynn! Strawberries! You've got strawberries!! All your growings are looking good.
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  10. Your garden is coming along so nicely. It's been wet and cold here and everything will be delayed, so, I hope you'll forgive me for envying your snow peas. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  11. Your garden looks great! Nothing like fresh tomatoes from the garden :) Before you know it!

  12. It's so exciting watching everyone's gardens come into production. I didn't plant my peas in time this year, so all I have is spinach and lettuce!

    Blessings, Debbie

  13. I had never seen feverfew before this post. is it a wildflower, perennial?? tell me a little more please. I guess I could google it..hahhahhaha sometimes I forget what we can do these "high tech" days now! I Love them

  14. It all looks wonderful, don't you love this time of the year?
    Enjoy those strawbs!

  15. Lots of nice blooming goin on in your yard... so pretty. Love snow peas, we planted them for the 1st time last year :)

  16. I can smell the honeysuckle from here, mmmmm. Your strawberries are looking good. Mine were eaten by the chipmunks...Christine

  17. You 're one great gardener...that strawberry is just waiting to be picked! My tomatoes look as far as yours...also in bud now.
    Thanks for sharing

  18. I LOVE honeysuckle too! I have some growing along the fence with my nice neighbors. (I knew better than to try to grow it on the other side... that crazy neighbor chops everything down. He's a certifiable nut case.)
    Everything in your garden is looking wonderful! There is so much to enjoy about this time of year!

  19. I am jealous. I want strawberries. Oh I can just smell them, feel the warmth of their red faces in the sun - taste that first delicious bite. Enjoy!

  20. You are so far ahead of us here in the Pacific NW. I don't think we will have local strawberries until August.

  21. Your plants are sooo healthy looking and I can almost smell those strawberries! We should be enjoying them in June but I am so afraid Cathy is right, we may not see them in the PNW until August....ugh.

    I was so hoping that Blogger would be fixed today but I see that hasn't happened.

    Sherri B.

  22. Wow! I am in the Pacific NW too and we have only had about 2 day above 65 degrees this spring (I wish I were exaggerating). We have just now put in our vegetable garden, peas go in the ground next month, and my strawberries are still in flower form. I am so jealous of your garden right now :).

  23. Hello Lynn,
    all your plants look so great. Mine are so small at the moment. But they will grow. Would love to participate when you cook sweet and sour chicken.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  24. You sure have a green thumb! I love the smell of honeysuckle!

  25. Lynn, I am so jealous that you grow strawberries! I am very behind this year, don't know if I want to even be bothered. :( You have a green thumb! xo,

  26. Yum! Look at those snow peas. I think you are a few weeks ahead of us. Strawberries in another few weeks!
    Looking good, L!

  27. I can't wait for strawberry season. Yours look delicious! I have feverfew all over but it isn't blooming yet. Jean

  28. I just love your blog, pigs and all! We have not even been able to get out to plant 1 seed because of all the rain we have had. Now it has turned hot and muggy, and the ac is running. Your pics are wonderful, your plants look good. Thanks for sharing :)

  29. Looks like you have lots of good things comin' up there! Enjoy!

  30. Wow!! Things are really taking off!! I am so excited and a bit jealous. You have some great things growing!!

  31. Things are moving right along for you. It will be another couple of weeks here before the peas are ready and heavy rains delayed the strawberries. They'll be perfect for high summer.

  32. Lynn, Your garden is looking good. My strawberry plants, all 2 of them, lol have only produced two strawberries. They are plants that came back from last year. I did pick two ripe tomatoes today. That's early even for us. Of course the others are small and green.
    Have fun playing in the dirt. I'm headed up your way, sort of, for the birth of our second grandchild.

  33. Oh you asked what program I use for my photo collages, it's Photoscape. You can download it for free at

  34. I had the first strawberries from my garden today! I'm also looking forward to the first juicy red tomato...yum!

  35. Wow! What a great start you have! Lovely to see your garden.

  36. We will be getting our tomato plants in this next weekend, really late but the weather is to heat up in the next week or so..fingers crossed that they will catch up, there really isn't anything much better than a big juicy tomato fresh from the garden! xo

  37. Looking good! Tomatoes are worth waiting for. Store bought, UGH!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!