
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bloomin' Tuesday

Hey everyone-Happy Bloomin' Tuesday! We've had a couple glorious days here North of Philly and spring has officially sprung!
Lilacs in full bloom.

Strawberries are starting to bloom.

The last of the daffs.

Does anyone know why my rhubarb bolts early like this? I have two plants and they both are bolting. 
I read once that it means they are neurotic plants...
Yea, that would be just my luck! Anyone know the name of a good plant psychiatrist?
Have a happy day:@)


  1. Your lilacs are beautiful!! Mmmm, how wonderful to have fresh strawberries (soon) from your own backyard!

  2. I can just about smell those lilacs from here. Beautiful

  3. Everything is looking pretty. Love this time of year with all of the color in the garden.
    Have a great day.

  4. Morning, Lynnie! Yep, you get a nick name! :) Love your blooms! Strawberries? I love strawberries!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. I remember last Spring feeling about a month behind you and our lovely Philly garden. Your pictures are beautiful and I'm so glad you shared these happy blooms with me. Thanks!

  6. A plant therapist would ultimately blame you for how you've treated/not treated that rhubarb. Just be gentle and encouraging. If that doesn't work, tell them you're going to replace them with a less neurotic plant.


  7. gorgeous lilacs! I can smell them from here :)

  8. Those lilacs are beautiful! Not much is lasting around here :( once it blooms we get another round of storms an 83mph winds and all, if any, blooms are gone but at least I can stop by and take a peak at yours :)
    Have a great day!

  9. Glad you are having weather so your flowers and plants can grow. I love the shot of the lilac.

  10. Such pretty daffs. I love the lilac. Glad to see spring has arrived. Have a good day.

  11. I think the psychiatrist would make you lie down on the couch if you said your rhubarb was

  12. Oooo I bet the lilac bush smells so good. I really want one :)

  13. I can almost smell the lilacs too, they are one of my very favorite flowers.

    Here is a link that might help re: your rhubarb.

    Hope it helps.

  14. I've never grown rhubarb...doesn't it take up a lot of space? My neighbor used to have it all along his fence and I always wondered how many pies he could make!!

    Love the pretty blooms you have. My daffodils just opened and the tulips are ready. I think we are a tad behind you in that department. I can't wait to fill some vases!

    Have a great week!


  15. Lynn, That is funny! Neurotic plants. Beautiful blooms your way too. Have a great week.

  16. Lilacs are amazing! Lovely pictures.

  17. I've been away for three weeks, Lynn, and now I'm catching up on all my blog friends. My lilacs have not bloomed as yet but are getting close --I love their smell. I never heard of bolting rhubarb! Could it be the plant roots need to be divided? Hope you had a joyful holiday!

  18. Its nice to see those blooms after a hard winter! I don't grow rhubarb, since its probably too hot here. My SIL grows it in the mountains. Guess you just have some challenging plants there!

  19. Those Lilacs look so pretty, I bet they smell heavenly too! :)

  20. I simply LOVE lilacs!! You are a few weeks ahead of us.

    Come by and see my lilac tablecloth!


  21. There is NOT a better aroma than lilacs in full bloom! "Ahhhh, Life is good"! Your post is GORGEOUS!
    There "SHOULD be a good Plant Whisperer" out there. and when you find him, LET US ALL KNOW???
    Hugs to you,

  22. My rhubarb used to do the same thing. I thought it needed dividing. So I divided it. It's been two years and it has not yet recovered--maybe this year. I think if it ever recovers, I will just let it bolt early -- at least I had rhubarb to enjoy!

  23. No psychiatrist would ever approve of my advice but Go ahead and rip the flower stocks off that rhubarb and give it a good talking to..... LOL
    Everything else in your garden looks like it is behaving beautifully especially the lilacs.

  24. I can almost smell those lovely lilacs! I don't even have leaves on mine yet. Happy Bloomin' Tuesday! Jean

  25. Sorry, nothing to report on the "neurotic plant" front, but your lilacs are just beautiful!

  26. Just lost my I'll try this again. :)

    I know nothing about rhubarb except that my mom grew it and made the most awesome jellies and pies from it.

    I think most of my plants and shrubs could benefit from psychiatric intervention....they all do quirky things!

    Love your bunny poem and those macaroons look wonderful. They have to be if they're from Paula!

    Hope you had a great Easter! dana

  27. I am not a gardener so I can't help you at all.
    I love your pretty flowers, tho.
    xo bj

  28. Your lilacs are just beautiful! I've never grown lilacs, lucky you!


  29. Girl, I am like the plant murderess! You don't want my advice. I can tell you how to murder a plant in a split second, but how to make them less neurotic? Sorry! I'm the Hanibel Lector of the plant world. ;-)

    Those lilacs are gorgeous. Do you know, I don't think I have ever seen them in bloom except in photos and the movies? They are exquisite, and that is one tree I would love to have cuttings from for flower arrangements.

    Hope you get your sprouts to stop "sprouting off"! ;-)


    Sheila :-)

  30. I can't wait until lilacs are in bloom! They are my favorite flower! And yes, the princess let me know that her phone call to the Easter bunny worked!

  31. You are way ahead of us! No buds on the lilacs yet.
    Sorry about your rhubarb! I know a good counselor! :)

  32. We used to have so many lilacs and I just love them. We didn't find any here, so we planted a new one a few years ago. It is white and still small. All the rain got to the flowers before I could get them in the house. So sad. Your pictures are so pretty.

  33. Lynn,
    You are ahead of us here outside of Harrisburg! Wow. I did pick a lilac blossom today...almost half of the florets were open...
    Loving this sunny weather!

  34. Ha...most every thing else is neurotic so why not the rhubard? The lilacs are very pretty and will not grow in our awful heat.

  35. Oh, the heavenly aroma of lilacs.... my favorite but alas, I have none.

  36. Maybe a little Xanax would help. Sincerely, your brown thumbed friend.

  37. I have a bottle of xanax you could try feeding to your plant! ha! I wonder if you could call the County Extension office and find a solution?

  38. I just love this time of year. Beautiful lilacs. Can't help you on the rhubarb. Maybe it's alll that great weather we have been getting this spring LOL.

  39. I have neurotic broccoli plants... Thanks for visiting me at A Season for All Things. I'm your newest follower and look forward to reading more of your posts. ~ Ellen

  40. Beautiful blooms, Lynn! Thanks for the birthday greetings!...Christine

  41. lol... if you find that plant psychologist could you send him my way? In my case it is more about fixing the trauma I have caused them though....

  42. So funny! Love this time of year, at least we have luck with some things!!! :)


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!