
Friday, July 9, 2010

A Month Without Rain

Hey everyone! I wanted to join Fertilizer Friday even though I don't have to much to share. No rain and record heat have really made gardening a challenge this year. While I don't have many pictures I will share some the notes I'm making for next year's garden.

I'm calling my planting cukes on the arbor idea a mild success. It wasn't too hard to train them up it, but if they grew over the top as I had hoped, I think they would then shade too much of the rest of the garden. So I flopped them over the side and they're headed back down.

Here is the last of the little daisies, they do have a tendency to reseed themselves everywhere... I just can't bear to pull them out until after they are done blooming!

Ok what have I learned this year so far:

  1. Even though I plant pole beans, I'll always add bush beans to (which I haven't done yet this year). The bush beans come in so much earlier than the pole, and I can do successive plantings.
  2. No more lima beans (I think I just heard my sons yell "Woo Hoo"). Fun idea, but my garden is to small, they take to long to mature and when it's really dry they don't have a chance. They came out yesterday and I'll plant bush string beans tomorrow in their place.
  3. Always plant at least one small (cherry, grape, etc.) tomato plant. The small ones ripen quicker and I'm impatient! Might be that Philly thing...
That's it for now folks, I hope your gardens are growing well and the veggies are plentiful!
Have a happy day :@)


  1. we need rain here too... lots and lots.
    We planted ONE cherry tomato plant and my favorite pumpkis!!! speaking of which, I need to get outside with the hose and feed my babies!!

  2. No rain here in Ga. or S.C. either and it is to be a mere 105 degrees today! I did not plant veggies this year as we are strung out between our two houses(long story). I am trying to water flowers which has proven to be difficult in this heat. Have given up on annuals. Sedums take this heat! I always planted little tomatoes as well cause they are great for salads. Cucumbers cost so much in stores I wish I had planted like smart. Have a lovely weekend. ♣olive

  3. We finally got rain yesterday! It was so muggy and humid here before and then nice and somewhat comfortable. I love the idea about the cukes. 2 of my plants are taking over the yard!

  4. Your pictures give me a bit of hope...My poor pot garden on my balcony has fried! At least you have some stuff doing well..your plants look gorgeous..please don't despair!

  5. Be careful what you wish for - we've had over a week of rain (leftovers from hurricane Alex and then more more more). We're worried about jungle rot at this point.

    Happy Friday!

  6. Even without rain, your plants look great. Enjoyed reading through some of your other posts too.

  7. your plants look good. I have a zucchini, pumpkin and two tomatoes (one grape and one big boy) on the deck in pots. The zucchini is doing good, the tomatoes good and the pumpkin I've been watching... it has a lot of blooms but no pumpkins. A friend looked it up for me yesterday and it said that the male blooms don't turn into pumpkins, but the blooms on shorter stems are female and they often come in later, so I'm holding out hope on the pumpkin :)

  8. We have an opposite problem ~~ too much rain! Our garden is doing pretty well now though. The rains have slowed. We have never tried lima beans, but do love to eat them. I like the way you are growing your cucumbers...they do take up a lot of space.

    Your variety of daiseys are different from ours and just as sweet!

    Nice to meet you, Donna

  9. Sounds like a good plan to me!

  10. Agree with the cherry tomatoes, but my husbands family is from Philly, too!!
    Thanks for sharing what you learned!

  11. We had late rainy season, but we've skipped moderate and we're HOT. Hope the plants don't go into shock. Yours look pretty good to me. I think I'll be copying your cucumber trellis next year. great idea...

  12. I love your little daisies! We have been having really cool weather where I live - I haven't seen the sun in over a week. My plants are all doing well, though, so no complaints.

  13. Life has been extra busy, but we got some weeding done today and our garden is in bloom...zucchini blooms, so the squash is on it's way! I have lots of dill, basil and peppers too. We are recreational gardeners though. You are a pro with such a nice, long, growing season. I really enjoy your pictures, updates, and recipes. Thanks for sharing your bounties!

    PS Love that your son called for a soup recipe!

  14. Howdy, girl friend. Oh, if I could send some rain your way - I would! We've had a bunch of rain. I have no garden - shame on me. Not even a tomato plant! :) It is so hot here and the heat gets to so many of the plants. But I have a lemon tree! :)
    Be a sweetie and thanks for popping in,
    Shelia ;)

  15. oh I wish I could share some of the awful weather we have been having here...only to cool you down and give you some rain! Today we got three inches of rain in two hours...and it is still raining!!!! I am sick of being in the house...summer is short here in Canada...and I don't want to waste it because of rain!!!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!