
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Woo-Hoo Wednesday - The Beans Are Up!

My big Woo-Hoo this week is that I'm thrilled the garden is starting to grow! These are my pole beans, I used regular green beans on the left and Italian flat beans on the right this year. Last year, I had beans throughout the entire summer from one planting of pole beans!
My zukes are still small but they are blooming, always a good sign! 
I see that as soon as the rain stops I have some weeding to do...
Tomatoes, peppers and cukes look happy, and that makes me happy!
Please be sure to join Marla at Always Nesting to see what everyone else is Woo-Hooing about!


  1. Woo Hoo! Oh, how I love fresh garden vegetables! Is there anything better than grilled zucchini or zucchini bread made from home grown zucs. Awesome.

  2. Oh I am so jealous! I have been dying to start a garden! I have seen some yummy vegetables growing around in blogland and I have yet to get mine started! Good for you...they look amazing!

    Happy WOOHOO Wednesday!

  3. They are looking great! Nothing beats fresh veggies. Happy Wednesday!

  4. WOO Hoo for the vegetables. Good for you. Good exercise and good healthy food. You are a lucky woman. Blessings

  5. Woo Hoo is right! I'm envious of your vegetable garden.

  6. Looks like you are gonna have lots of yummy veggies this will have to post what you fix so we can enjoy them with you! Do you have a receipe for Zuch bread? If not let me know and I'll send you mine...God bless....Robyn

  7. Woo Hoo for your garden and your green thumb! I don't even have all my veggies in yet. YOurs look wonderful! Keep the pictures coming.

  8. Your banner of pigs are dancing and singing Woohoo the beans are up.
    Life is simple isn't it?

  9. I so wish that I could have a vegetable garden. I hope you will keep posting pictures of the garden as it grows-I can be a "virtual" gardener!

    Best wishes,

  10. Oh those blossoms in the last pic make me hungry. Growing up my parents used to grow pumpkins and then we ate the blossoms...fried of course. Sounds strange, but they ARE YUMMY!

    I love it that you're plans are kept in protective custody like mine too...bad bunnies.

  11. Good grief! Nothing like this kind of development North of the 49th except maybe in little tomatos, strawberries and mesclun are chuggin along, but not half so mature...only my wonderful garlic chives, which grow continuously, even through the snow, are blooming like crazy...

  12. I think I have garden envy. Wait, I know I do! We had frost last week and haven't put anything in the ground yet, tho we've bought a few plants. Everything looks wonderful and lush.

  13. woo hoo, isn't it exciting when our veggies start to grow. I've had fresh peas from the yard this week and picked our first batch of green beans yesterday too. We aren't having any luck with the zucchini, the beetles are eating them before they get a chance to grow :(

  14. wow, I cant believe how big your veggies are already.. Mine are still tiny.. Gardening is so soothing and then the thrill of going out each day to see if theres a new bud or bloom is exhilerating.. always something to look forward too..
    congrats of your growing~!


  15. Oh, I wish my cucumber flowers were as large as yours. I have to try growing beans next year :-)


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!