
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Boo Hoo Wednesday???

Hi everyone! I know it's Woo Hoo Wednesday, and I promise to be back on board next week, but this has been a rough week so far! Today I thought I'd share a bit of the reality of working with glass. I would have liked to call this post "That's the way the cookie cupcake crumbles" but couldn't get the strike through in the title.

I had the inspiration to try to make a cupcake panel, I thought it would be cute! So I drew it up and then spent a couple hours cutting and grinding each piece. Then into my kiln and fired it up to 1600 degrees. After it's done "baking" I can't lift the lid and see it for at least 5 hours, so off to bed I went. I bounced out of bed and ran to the studio, and "wow" just so cute! I loved it!
It was too dark outside to take a picture against the window and I was thinking about a blue border, so here's my shot.

I was right in the middle of e-mailing a friend about how happy I was with this when I heard the dreaded "ping". The ping of glass breaking in half. Glass will fight itself, and you have to be careful to use compatible pieces, and if you don't let it cool exactly as it wants to, 
and sometimes just because... it will break. 
Unfortunately, this does happen, glass breaks, 
and that is how my life has been this week.
I'm looking for some mud...


  1. ;-( That's a tear falling from my eye. Sorry your cupcake crumbled on you. It was a lovely piece. ~ Sarah

  2. That is just not fair! I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

    Thanks for visiting 3 Sisters,365 today too.

    Best wishes always,

  3. Oh No!! Big booboo, but it happens.

    Things will get better.


  4. Oh no!! That cupcake looked mighty darn good. I want to give you a big Woo Hoo! hug for such a good try :) Thanks for linking to Woo Hoo! Wednesday because we all have those weeks and it's good to feel the support and kindness of those that still want to Woo Hoo! for us. Hugs, Marla

  5. Boo Hoo is right....that was such a cute piece. It was a heartbreaker BUT a great practice you really wanted to practice, huh? The next one will be soooo much better.

  6. Aaack. No way. How frustrating is that. I had a 500+ piece stained glass window made and after a couple days hanging one of the chains let go and luckily only one of the pieces broke. It is still together and it will have to stay that way because it is in the middle and can't be fixed. No one would ever notice it.
    Yours on the other hand is pretty noticeable. Sorry.

  7. Oh my gosh, how very sad. It was so sweet. I know you were devastated too. Thank you for your comment this morning. It IS sage. How could you possibly know from that photo? Thanks for your visit.

    I also love the blue stained glass. Gorgeous.

    Have a happy day but stay out of the mud. I'm familiar with pigs in mud. I was raised on a farm until I was nine. HA!

    Hugs, Jeanne

  8. This is awful, I hate that happen, its a precious cupcake. Can you chip away the clear glass from the cupcake and lay it on a new piece of clear glass? I know fusing is so time consuming. I have a kiln for pottery, never tried fusing.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!