
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Table for One-Lovin' the Lilacs

Hi Everyone, Happy Thursday, please be sure to join Susan at BNOTP for other fun tablescapes!
I inherited quite a few lilac bushes when I moved into this house, thank you previous owners! They are special and I look forward to them every year. I'm especially tickled by this tablescape because I get to use my new (to me, $4.50 at the thrift store) dishes.


Love this view!

I'd like to say I'm talented enough to make dinner rolls that look like pigs,
but that's Earl, he's admiring the dishes too!

General rule of thumb for lilacs, whatever you cut this year won't bloom next year. My first year living here I took a bucket of them into the office for everyone, they loved them, but I was so disappointed the following year - live and learn!

PS - I copied this for folks that are asking about lilac care:

Prune After Bloom

If flowers are the goal (and, with a lilac, is there really any other purpose?) the most important thing to keep in mind is that they bloom on the previous season's growth. So, if you were to go out and prune them in late autumn or early spring, in an attempt to “clean up” the garden, you'd be cutting off all of the potential blooms. Let the flowers bloom, enjoy their heavenly scent, and then prune away----Prune After Bloom!


After lilacs bloom, and it's safe to prune them, the most important thing to do is to deadhead them. What this means is that it is necessary to cut off the spent flowers. If you leave the spent blooms on the plant, the lilac will put most of its energy into seed production (seeds, of course, are the ultimate result of flowering) instead of making flower buds for next year. The easiest way to do this is to simply snip the blooms off after they fade. If this is the only thing you ever do to your lilac, you'll be rewarded with blooms aplenty.

Have a Happy Day!


  1. I did NOT know that about lilacs..thank you! Last week I learned tulips still grow taller after they are cut and put in water!
    Your table looks lovely..Tell us the pattern of the dishes!

  2. I love the dishes, the doily! Oh the lilacs! Beautiful!

  3. I didn't know that about lilacs either. No wonder I never had many blooms after our first year, and we had the bushes at our old house for 13 years. I love lilacs, and you sure did a beautiful table with them. Really like the dishes, very, very pretty.

  4. Beautiful lilacs and china! This is such a pretty setting.

  5. My very favorite flowers! And your tablesetting is a lovely compliment to the lilacs! Your new to you dishes are fabulous. Are they white with a soft, soft yellow? Oh, I love that combination. And with the lilacs... just perfection! What a treat. My lilacs aren't blooming yet.
    I can't believe I have never followed you yet. Well I am now!

  6. Hey everyone! These dishes are interesting... The center is ivory, and they do pick up a soft creamy yellow color after the first ring. I've spent time on-line looking for them if anyone has any info I'd love to hear about it! On the back:
    Taylor Smith Taylor U.S.A. 1 42 2

  7. Love the china!! I too didn't know that about lilacs.. thanks for the info.

  8. Gorgeous dishes...what do you do with the spent lilacs if cutting prevents next year's blossoms? I have always cut them off once they are spent...maybe I shouldn't be...

  9. What a lovely table. The lilacs are so pretty. I love their pretty color.

  10. My absolute favorite flower ever...lilacs! Love them and love these beautiful dishes! Great find and a Fantastic price!!

  11. Beautiful colors! Love it. Be blessed. Cindy

  12. Oh I can just smell them now! We go to the Rochester Lilac Festival in May, and I wish I could bottle up that scent and keep it with me all year! Mmmmm! This is gorgeous! So beautiful! Thanks for sharing Great job~! Changes to the garden are posted, hope you can stop by and take a peak when you get the chance! :) Take care! A

  13. The pale creamy yellow of your dishes against the vibrant lavender is beautiful! The rim of the dishes goes so well with the pattern in the fabric -- very inviting!

  14. This is such a happy table... love the colors.. love the lilacs, I can't wait for mine to bloom:-)

  15. These pretty dishes and the adorable tablerunner makes a quite exquisite table. The dishes have really an amazing pattern and nice colors. And the lilacs are gorgeous. We have to wait some weeks until ours will bloom. Thank you for your visit and the nice comment.

    Greetings, Johanna
    P.S.: I love your piggies, so funny.

  16. You really hit the jackpot with those pretty dishes...great bargain! They look lovely with your lilacs. My landscaper was here last week to review planting locations for my lilac bush. He said to be sure to dead-head the spent blooms. The time to prune mature lilac plants is just after the flowers have faded. They set the next season's flower buds almost immediately, so late pruning will mean sacrificing next year's flowers. So cut 'em quickly & enjoy!! :-)

  17. GORGEOUS china! Your placesetting looks perfect on that runner, and those lilacs -- amazing! Love your blog name!

  18. Like you I am a lilac fan but recently moved and have no lilacs - only plans to plant them. Thanks for sharing yours. Your table is fabulous and I learned things I didn't know about lilacs too!

  19. Love the lilacs! Beautiful dishes too, and they look great with the lilacs.

  20. How lucky you are to have the bushes. We only get them cut (I got some yesterday). Your post is so timely as it's lilac season and yours look elegant on your tablescape. -- Jane F.

  21. How pretty! I love your lilacs too! I had no idea that they wouldn't bloom the next year on places you cut them. I can't grow them where I live. It doesn't get cold enough for them. But I do love them and buy them at the stores when I see them.


  22. I didn't know that about lilacs!

    Your tablescape is beautiful!!

  23. Thanks for the info on lilacs. I really want to plant some in my yard. You got quite a bargain on your dishes. Love it!

  24. That's good to know. I had never heard that before (that they want bloom after deadheading). I have heard if you cut rose stems down where there are 5 leaves, that they will grow better. Your flowers and dishes are gorgeous!

  25. These are sooo pretty... They look vintage, are they? very lovely and perfect for spring!
    My lilacs are still tiny babies... I can't wait... what fragrance!
    Enjoy your springtime moments & your sweet new you you dishes!

  26. Hello...

    Oooh...I love lilacs!!! Mine haven't begun to bloom yet but will soon. I'm looking forward to cutting and making a few fresh bouquets for the house with them! Thanks so much for the info on lilacs...I learned something new!!!

    Well my friend, your table for one is simply gorgeous! I love your new dishes...they're beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with us!

    I also wanted to thank you for coming by and taking a peek at my "Springtime" tablescape...enjoyed our visit and your sweet note, my friend! Thank you!!!

    Have a fabulous Friday!
    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  27. This is beautiful!! If I close my eyes just right and take a deep breath, I can smell the lilacs! Well, a girl can wish......


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!