
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Valentine's Day Tiara for Barbie -DIY Tutorial

I found inspiration for this Queen of Hearts Valentine's Day Tiara for Barbie while perusing the isles of Dollar Tree. They had some really cool tiaras for Mardi Gras, which I totally need:@) This one couldn't be easier, it uses the bottom ring from a bottle with a screw on cap, some sparkly pipe cleaners and beads from your stash. A perfect cold winter day project to keep the girls busy, and Barbies everywhere happy!

I used the ring from a bottle of vinegar, any sturdy plastic ring would work.
The tiara before embellishing...

  1. Wrap a sparkly pipe cleaner tightly around the ring at least five times. Try to keep it close together and completely cover the ring.
  2. Add a few longer 'spikes' to the tiara in the center to give it some height.
  3. Finish the other side by wrapping the pipe cleaner the same amount of times as 1 above.
  4. Glue on beads, sequins or any desired embellishment. 
  5. Please note: The doubled pipe cleaner spikes will be too thick to push on most beads. You could cut small pieces of pipe cleaner and wrap them around the ring so that the two ends stick up (think V) and push beads onto the ends.
  6. Cut the ring in the back so it can be opened and placed on Barbie's head.


  1. What a fun craft! I have no imagination, and am impressed with all your ingenuity!

  2. Any little girl would love to be able to make a crown for her Barbie! Very nice.

  3. You're so creative, and have the most fashionable Barbie ever!

  4. how cute Lynn! I have been saving your Barbie wardrobe ideas for 4 years, and CC finally got her first Barbie for Christmas, so I can get busy!

  5. Too clever Lynn! All the other Barbies will be jealous :)


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!