
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Cheap Seats

Introducing Vinnie and Fritz, a couple of South Philly's Sunday faithful with season tickets in The Cheap Seats:@) They've lived in my head, and occasionally made it to the sketch pad, over the past 30 years... I grew up with Veteran's Stadium and hearing fabled stories about the rowdy fans in the 700 level seats. How many stories were true or not, I don't know. What I do know is, we're a very passionate ~and vocal~ crowd here in Philadelphia when it comes to football! So these boys may make it to the blog from time to time with their thoughts on that week's game (all in good fun:@)
I've added some fun football snack ideas to my sidebar...
It's time to chill some drinks, put on the stretchy pants, grab a munchie and let the games begin!
Have a happy day:@)


  1. Vinnie & Fritz look like a couple of serious fans Lynn! Love the hair, (chin too :) and your clever sketch! I'm cheering on football season and stretchy pants :)

  2. Wait. You drew that? That's really awesome!

  3. That is SO neat!

    But please don't bag the Jags! They are my team! ;-)



  4. Go Vinnie and Fitz! Too hilarious! I think I know these guys, I recognize their hair! I'm all for football food and stretchy pants, not to mention a cold beverage! Since we don't have a pro team, I will root for the Eagles this year!

  5. Hahaha! Great drawing of the two friends! I wish we could watch American football games here too, our European football is not at all the same game and for me no fun to watch. But we do have our Vinnie's and Fritz's here too LOL.

  6. i love 'em! love their names and their look!

  7. Talented cooking and talented drawing - you must be ready for some football!

  8. You go, girl! Love your new addition! And so glad to see all the football treats in your sidebar :)

  9. Aww great job on Vinnie and Fritz, Lynn! Thanks for sharing your artistic talents with us. I look forward to hearing more from the cheap seats!

  10. Hi Lynn,

    You are so clever!!! I cannot even draw stick people! I love this, especially since I know how you love your Phillies football. :-D Maybe you could send these to your local newspaper? I'm very impressed! I always look forward to your football recipes, too.

    Big Hugs,

    Denise at Forest Manor

  11. These are really cute! Hope to see them all through the season.
    We start with a home game at BYU on Thursday! Can't wait. I LOVE football season too! I think you eat a lot better during football season than I do though!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!