
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Deviled Egg Mice for Halloween

I first saw these little guys at Easter and they were called bunnies, I've been waiting patiently for Halloween because I immediately saw Deviled Egg Mice! Lovin' my cute chive tails...
 The original picture on Pinterest HERE used black peppercorns for eyes. I used a Food Writing Pen.
If you use a pen allow enough room for it to bleed/spread.
Pin It
Simply stuff the egg, turn it over.
Cut a slice wide enough to insert the radish ears (cut the radish as thin as possible, thinner than mine).
Cut a little X in the back of the egg and insert the chive.
Add eyes-done!
They are a little sloppier than regular deviled eggs because you have to turn them upside down to eat them and the yolk mixture is sticky... But I think the kids can handle it:@)

And if you'd like one more mouse idea for Halloween These Hershey Kisses Mice are adorable!
Sometimes a mouse in the kitchen isn't such a bad thing:@)

Updated to show the Wilton Food Writer Pens I used, Walmart has a few different brands too.


  1. You have a winner invasion happening!
    These mice are welcome in the house.

  2. Those are just adorable - love them.

  3. Those are the ONLY kind of mice I'd like in my kitchen, Lynn! I can't wait to try the deviled and the Hershey kiss, fun, fun! Happy weekend, my friend. xo

  4. They are just adorable! all are cute garnishes

  5. How cute! And, so easy. I must live under a rock, because I've never heard of a food writing pen. Gotta check them out.

  6. These are adorable. I "tried" to make mice from radishes, but yours are so much more successful with the eggs. My radishes didn't want to stand up...

  7. Too, too cute. Pinning! So glad I saw this. Take care - Dawn @ We Call It Junkin

  8. Obviously, ,your mother didn't tell you to "never play with your food" LOL LOL LOL


  9. Love it. Pinned!

    I have to tell you that I HATE those Wilton food markers. They are the worst! I usually like Wilton brand things, but these pens are bad. I even did a whole blog post about them. The Betty Crocker ones are great!

  10. Really sweet!Love all pics! Thanks for sharing!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  11. Deviled eggs are so delicious, and the mouse cupcake is making my mouth water! I always leave your blog hungry, Lynn!

  12. The deviled eggs mice are so adorable! I think my grandsons would love them!

  13. These mice are ridiculously adorable - so much cuter than regular old deviled eggs. Pinning for sure :) I'd be thrilled if you'd come on over to Pink Recipe Box and link up at Creative Wednesdays:

  14. These are sooo stinkin' cute....:))

  15. awww, these are too cute!! love them so. ( :

  16. Oh My God!!!! They are too pretty to eat! Really!
    If you want come and take part to Link Party "Back to Autumn" su Fragola e Cannella
    I'm waiting for you
    One kiss

  17. So cute! My grandkids will love these.

  18. Gorgeous mice Lynn! I'm pinning these myself! And I'll have to look out for those food pens- I've never seen them before - so cool!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  19. Adorable mice. I could see just using a hard-boiled egg rather than stuffing it.

  20. So fun Lynn! Love the radish ears :)

  21. I've never heard of a food writer pen! Wow, this could be fun to have around, you certainly have made some adorable little edibles!! Very creative fun!

  22. These are too cute! Thanks for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)

  23. Very cute and if you set the mousy down on a diagonally sliced piece of carrot you can keep the stuffing intact when you pick it up!

  24. How cute and fun is this. I love it. Thanks so much for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  25. Hi Lynn,
    Your little mice are just precious, what a great idea! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope you are having a great weekend!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!