
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Quick Pickled Radishes

The radishes were beautiful at the produce store and I came home with a big bag of them. This Quick Pickled Radish recipe is from Martha Stewart and we thought it was different! Martha calls for red wine vinegar, I used cider vinegar... why? Say it with me now... Because that's what I had on hand, right:@)
  This recipe is easily cut in half.

Quick Pickled Radishes-from Martha Stewart
2/3 C red wine vinegar
1/2 C sugar
2 tsp coarse salt
15 medium size radishes, ends trimmed and thinly sliced
  • I added everything to a Lock-N-Lock bowl and gave it a good shake. Let marinate for at least 30 minutes. They are best eaten within a few hours.
Eat well and have a happy day:@)


  1. What a healthy and refreshing dish. It reminds me of my father, he loved radishes.

  2. If you pickle it, I will eat it! This is another of those "why-didn't-I-think-of-that" recipes!!


  3. Sounds delicious Lynn. I bet the cider vinegar added just the right amount of zing, and they looks so pretty. It would make such a nice addition to a regular veggie platter. Thanks!

  4. This is a great idea, Lynn. I'm surprised they are not redder in color. I would have expected the radishes to bleed into the vinegar and tint the white interior. I hope your day is off to a great start. Blessings...Mary

  5. I've never heard of pickled radishes, Lynn. They sound good though. They look pretty too. How colorful as part of a veggie platter!

  6. What a cool photo, Lynn! I'm not a big fan of them, but DH sure it. I bet he would LOVE these. I wonder if you would have liked them better using the red wine vinegar? That is what we have been putting over our EVOO, of course.

  7. I never thought of doing this, but what a great idea. When I buy radishes, I never know what to do with them besides a salad. Thanks!

  8. What a yummy way to eat radishes! Thanks for sharing!

  9. A Mexican restaurant we frequent always has pickled radishes in their condiment bar. I really love them. Joni

  10. What a pretty dish that makes with all of the red. I bet they were wonderful. You always pickle so many fun things. Wish you lived next door so you could bring me over a taste!

  11. I get radishes in my farm share box from time to time, and love eating them with salt. I will make them this way next time!

  12. OK, I have never been a radish person. The only person in the family (that I know of) who really loves them is my mom. However, I'm really fond of all things pickled so I want to try this one on for size. I'm glad I got a chance to come by before I missed it.

  13. I wish I had known about these back when my husband had about a million radish plants. I do especially like red wine vinegar, so I'll be trying that version.

  14. Wow, this is a first for me. I love radishes and will try this asap.

    I am finally back home after going away for my cousins memorial.

    It is so good to be back and visiting you.
    xo, Jeanne

  15. Hurray for quick pickling! I'm not wild about radishes unless they're sliced super thin but pickled ones I could eat out of the jar!

  16. I'm going to make some pickles with my lovely crop of cukes today but I'd love to try radishes too!


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