
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Preserving Peppers

The boys brought me some garden goodies and I couldn't help but notice something... Look at these beautiful rich warm colors, maybe Mother Nature's way of easing us into fall? I'm ready:@)
I wanted to do something besides freezing them. Since the humidity was low I cleaned and diced the bell and sweet Hungarian wax peppers, then brought out my dehydrator. While it took a lot longer than anticipated it did provide nice, dry, very colorful pepper pieces to use in soups this winter.
 The extra jalapenos were cleaned and frozen.

Enjoy the harvest and have a happy day:@

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  1. Oh shucks! I don't have a dehydrator!! I usually cut them up and freeze them in small batches but love the look of the dried peppers.



  2. Good morning Lynn, I too love peppers and their lovely colors. I have frozen my extra peppers and pull them out when needed for a recipe. It works great.

    xo, Jeanne

  3. Gorgeous... and tasty too I'll bet. I AM JEALOUS!

  4. Oh I just love this! Those are my kind of colors!

  5. Wow! Look at that color! I don't have a dehydrator but lately have been contemplating it. This is a great way to preserve the harvest for those cold winter months...and the colors would be sure to bring a smile during the worst snow storm!

  6. Wow, they look like autumn leaves. So pretty and how fun to have them on hand.

  7. These are gorgeous and I love how they dried! I'm ready for some fall coolness!

  8. What a great idea for your winter soups. The mix looks so colorful in your jar. It will be pretty just sitting on your pantry shelf.

  9. How PRETTY! What gorgeous colors, Lynn...truly, an early taste of Fall.
    My brother has a dehydrator...I'm sending him a link to this to see if he has ever done peppers.
    Thanks for showing us how well it works!

  10. Lynne,
    That is a beautiful jar of peppers and a great idea! Thanks for sharing and have a good day.
    Miz Helen

  11. What beautiful peppers!! I've never dehydrated peppers before. It is interesting how long it takes for some items to dehydrate!

  12. What a great Christmas gift for friends!

  13. wow, those peppers in the first photo are just amazing, the look like huge jewels! I never would have thought to dehydrate peppers, what a brilliant idea. I know your soups will be wonderful!

  14. So pretty...Pepper Potpourri! I'm ready for Fall too. xo

  15. Wonderful colours - and very good, that you have an dehydrator!


  16. Beautiful! How long did you dehydrate them? Did you put anything on them to retain such vibrant colors?

    1. Hello! They took at least 12 hours at about 125 degrees. I'm thinking in Philly, even with moderate humidity, the temp just needs to be hotter... No preservatives, they are simply dried:@)

  17. What phenomenal colors! I haven't seen those colors before, that rich almost brown is so pretty! So glad you thought to dehydrate them. Haven't gotten that out in a long, long time!

    Lynn, I can't make a dip now without thinking of you and football season, although the hot dip went fast even in the heat!

  18. They were pretty & colorful before but gorgeous colors they are dried! Beautiful in a clear jar on your kitchen counter!

  19. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome recipe with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you have had a great weekend and have a fabulous week.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  20. This looks like a fabulous concept. Love the colors! Can't wait to see your winter soups.

    - The Tablescaper

  21. These are beautiful in the jar!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!