
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Great Pineapple Ham Glaze and Got Leftovers?

How about turning the leftovers into a breakfast treat! We tried Bloggy Buddy Lorraine's Pineapple Ham Glaze for our Easter dinner and loved it! I served it in a gravy boat and had a little leftover, so I decided to skip the ketchup with my breakfast sausage-a very good decision indeed:@)

Speaking of gravy boats...
Years ago my son gave me this heated gravy boat from QVC and it works well! I like to heat the boat with hot water before adding gravy/glaze and also turn the base on about 10 minutes before dinner.
I see QVC doesn't have them right now but you can still get them on Amazon.

Pineapple Ham Glaze-adapted from With a Grateful Prayer and Thankful Heart
8 oz crushed pineapple with juice-I could only find pineapple chunks
1 C brown sugar-I used 1/2 C, always cut back if I can
1 Tblsp cornstach
1/4 tsp salt-neither of us used this
2 Tblsp fresh lemon juice
1 Tblsp prepared yellow mustard
-Mix everything in sauce pan, bring to a boil and heat until thickens, takes about a minute.

Note: Cans of 8 oz crushed pineapple were sold out of 3 stores on Good Friday so I bought chunks and ran them through the food chopper. You might want to plan better than me pick up a can or two before the holidays when you see them folks:@)

Eat well and have a happy day!

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  1. Sounds really good! Love that gravy holder thing-a-ma-doodle.

  2. I'm with Holly: Love that "thing-a-ma-doodle". The gravy is so much better hot!!


  3. Great gravy boat and yummy sounding glaze and yes I bet it was amazing with sausage! YUM in deed!
    hugs, Linda

  4. my mouth is actually watering reading the glaze ingredients!
    Mary x

  5. Sounds amazing for breakfast. Perfect with the sausage.

  6. i'm there. that looks delicious. yummy!! ( :

  7. Thanks so much for your Easter wishes. I hope yours was very special with loved ones surrounding you.
    The glaze sounds delicious and I will be trying it soon. We had pork loin for dinner on Easter.

    I LOVE the gravy boat so much. I have never seen anything like it before. What a great gift from your son.

    Happy days to you and yours,
    Jeanne xo

  8. Mmmmmm the pineapple glaze sounds delish! I love the gravy boat, too. What a sweet gift from your son.

  9. That sounds delicious. I love pineapple no matter what you do with it. The idea to use it for breakfast is a great one.

  10. The pineapple glaze sounds delicious Lynn! Good call on the breakfast sausage :)

  11. I've never tried pineapple glaze it sounds good, the beer fairy will like it he likes pineapple with most things.

  12. I thought it sounded delicious when Lorraine posted it too. Cool gift from your son!

  13. Mmmmm...perfect ham glaze! We had leg of lamb this year, but it will be ham again in 2014!

  14. I also prepared a ham with a pineapple glaze for Easter ... it's our favorite way to serve it, I toothpick on whole pineapple slices over the glaze, as the grandkids love to eat them with their ham.
    Love that gravy boat! It is always hard to keep the gravy hot through the whole meal.

  15. ummm, I love a good glaze for my ham....wish I had a slice of it with your Strawberry cake, right now. :))

  16. Very cool gravy boat ~ love the design too. Happy you enjoyed the ham glaze :)


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