
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Winter Tomatos

I'm joining Mizz Jenny today for Saturday Centus, we can use up to 100 words and any style of writing. I had to laugh when I saw the picture prompt, I did literally just get back from the supermarket, so this one was easy!

Winter Tomatoes
I bought a tomato at the store,
kinda pale, and pink and dry...
I let my mind go back in time,
and long for the ones in July.

No ripe tomatoes in Philly today,
as snow falls from the sky. 
I nod and smile instead of fret,
For we all know how time does fly!

Have a happy day:@)


  1. Cute poem, you have snow? Sunny bright and supposed to warm up a bit to the 40's this weekend. Yes, winter tomatoes just don't cut it. xo

  2. Nice job on the poem. Arizona tomatoes are just awful, no matter what time of year it is. One of the many things I miss about Indiana.

  3. Cute and so true about winter tomatoes! Waiting for summer ones again too.

  4. Don't we all just cringe - buying those winter tomatoes! Cute poem Lynn!

  5. Hey you are a poet there girl - I liked it. Have a good weekend.

  6. Boy can I ever relate to this one. I love my tomatoes, and they are singularly unimpressive just now...

    Good job!


  7. I like your wit and poetry, Lynn. A homegrown tomato sure does sound good right now.

  8. Ah yes. Nothing like summer tomatoes. I am glad I can get local hydroponic tomatoes in the winter here - but they are still no substitute for my garden ones.

  9. Loved it. I had a salad at a bistro yesterday and the potatoes were barely pink. I didn't worry about it either--just moved them to the side and enjoyed the rest of the salad.

    The soup below looks delicious. My husband loves soups.

  10. So Sweet! I wish we could be having some of that July weather right now!!!

  11. Love it and so true! But then again slow roasted oven tomatoes are very tasty, even from the store-bought winter tomatoes!

  12. No flavor in store tomatoes either. Love your prose

  13. That is a cute poem and I love your piggy theme. :)

  14. What a cute ode to the tomato, Lynn! It's so true how time flies by. It'll be summer before we know it. For me :( and for you :).

  15. So clever Lynn! Winter tomatoes are an oxymoron :)


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!