
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Crochet Heart Dish Cloth-Project #2

What's a girl to do when Christmas yarn is on sale for 80¢ a skein? Use the red and white to make a Valentine's dish cloth of course! This yarn is 97% cotton and has a thin silver string running through it for the other 3%. My heart is loosely based upon this pattern here... Loosely because I don't understand what "counts as triple crochet" means. I have to look into that further...
Since I knew I didn't have the count right I just added a white border of single crochet and then a ruffle of 4 double crochet in one space, slip stitch in the next space. It ended up about 8.5x8". I won't use it as a dish cloth but as a doily or fun accent (mug rug?). Truthfully, while it's far from perfect, I'm tickled:@)

What have I learned so far about crochet?
  • It works up pretty quickly.
  • I won't die if I have to pull it all out and start over. And yes, I did several times.
  • Yarn with the metallic thread through it is a little... tighter/stiffer(?) than other yarn.
  • U-Tube is my friend, man it's great to be able to watch someone do what I'm asking about.
  • At this very early stage I get the feeling it's pretty forgiving for little projects like this. I just winged the white and think it worked out fine (for me).
Tips, advice and observations are welcome!
Have a happy day:@)


  1. There's a crochet class offered at our library and I've thought about taking it. My idle hands need a project.


  2. I love the scalloped edges. I will show this to my crocheting daughter. She tried to tie-dye some yarn last night with kool-aid and the oven. She used the kind with the metallic thread in it and I think that effected the results. This is so cute.

  3. I love it! What a great way to use the yarn that was on sale. I almost got some when I realized it was on sale but I didn't because a project didn't pop into my mind. This one is fantastic!

    Usually when they say 'counts as triple (or double) crochet' it's the chain that you stitch either before or after turning to start the next row. Hope that helps. And yes, you tube has been my friend also for many projects.

  4. Can't even begin to count the number of times I have turned to YouTube for 'how to' videos. Love it... your heart is soooo pretty!!!

  5. I am so glad that you are continuing to crochet. Trust me, once you start, it is addicting and you won't want to stop. Before you know it, you will have a yarn stash like the rest of us.... ha ha!

  6. Sorry, also meant to tell you about a neat website I found. It is There are tons of patterns on here that you can search. Also, have you heard of Ravelry? It is where knitters and crocheters share their patterns and is another great place to get free patterns. You have to join, but it's free. They have great search options so if you are looking for beginner patterns, just choose "Easy" and you will find beginner patterns.

  7. Wow, Lynn, that is beautiful! It's the prettiest dishcloth I have ever seen. Love that color. You're doing great!

  8. I think your heart is so cute. I have been looking into crochet classes near me, and Michael's offers both crochet and knitting. We used to have a yarn shop and a nice lady who owned it and taught classes, but sadly she had to close the business. xo

  9. It looks just fine to me...very pretty... :) with love Janice

  10. It is really pretty and I think for a beginner you are doing great!

    hugs, Linda

  11. It's cute. CC and I tried to teach ourselves to no avail. We did not know of the YouTube videos at the time.

  12. Your heart is so cute! I can't make heads or tails out of the patterns/diagrams/instructions, so I only work on projects that I can figure out myself. (I do know how to make the actual stitches.) I really need to march myself down to the nearest craft store and sign up to take a beginning crochet class, so I learn it all properly. I have started and re-started things many many times. And I've watched you tubes til I was blue in the face. Very few tell you clearly what to do... they'd skip things that they assumed we just knew. But I didn't. So it was really confusing. I did make a giant granny afghan this past year, and I really enjoyed that. I need to find a new project to tackle for spring. I'd like to try stripes this time instead of squares.

  13. Wow Lynn, you are doing great, my friend!! Your heart turned out super-cute. I'm going to check that pattern out.

  14. When it says, counts as triple crochet, it means that your chain that you did, counts as the first (or last) triple crochet. It's the chaining at the end or the beginning.

  15. Must. Learn. Crochet! I love it..

    Blessings, Debbie

  16. This is the prettiest dish cloth I have ever seen, Lynn! Are you really going to use it?

  17. So cute! I recognize that red metallic yarn :)

  18. Aren't you the clever one? This would also make a nice little mat for one or two of your piggies.

  19. You are so clever. I have always wanted to learn how to crochet and this little Valentin's Day heart is why. Adorable!

  20. That is so cute, Lynn! You did a great job!



  21. Amen! It is so amazing to be able to get online and have someone who freely shared their time to make a video so you could learn.

    This is really cute and how fun to bring those out every Valentine's Day. My sister Jean just had surgery and is crocheting a lot since she can't do anything else. I am going to send her to see this!

  22. Lynn,
    That is a precious heart dish cloth. What a great gift that would make. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.
    Miz Helen

  23. Hi Lynnie! OH, this is so cute! I've been intending to crochet some dishcloths but have just been to lazy.
    Hope you have a great weekend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  24. hey when I see cute crochet,makes my "heart" sing.I want to learn how to do that.
    ~Jo @ LoblollyLane

  25. I'm trying to learn to crochet too, Lynn. I'm OK if the project is very simple. The Youtube videos usually don't work for me because I'm left handed and can't figure the stitch out. I like to have something to work on that I can just pick up now and then. Love the heart shaped dish cloth.

  26. I was looking at that same yarn :) I didn't buy it though as I was concerned about the metallic thread. You did a great job! BTW, 'counts as a triple crochet' usually refers to a chain of 3 when you end a row and turn...that counts as your first triple crochet; or, when you do your first chain they tell you to start in the 3rd chain from the hook...the chains you skipped count as your first triple crochet. Hope that helps!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!