
Monday, December 3, 2012

Trash to Holiday Treat!

As I was driving home from the store I noticed a neighbor had trimmed the evergreens in his yard and had the branches in a bundle for the trash men... Yep, I stopped and tossed a bundle into the back of my truck:@) I wanted to make a simple swag for my mailbox and this worked out great!
 And I have some leftover to use inside too, I love the way they smell!

Wishing you a season of fun finds:@)


  1. What a pretty swag Lynn. I would have definitely stopped too. The greens are pretty in wide mouth vases too, leaning over to one side.

  2. Great find and I know the evergreen smells wonderful. Very welcoming decoration.

  3. neat idea. now i must wait on my neighbors to do the same thing ... i could be waiting a bit i bet, i think. ha. ha!! ( :

  4. It is simplistically beautiful, and best of all FREE!!! Happy decorating!

  5. What an awesome find and the swag turned out beautiful!

  6. Now how fun is this. I love it. Hugs, Marty

  7. What a wonderful, find, Lynn! You did a great job with that swag, too, and the greens look so fresh and pretty.

    Good neighbors are the best, aren't they? To that end, we are going to use palmetto fronds on our house with the garland this year. We whacked up a plant we had in the yard for the front porches, and if I decide to carry it to the back side porches, we were given permission by our neighbor, who dropped by to speak to us as we were working, to use any of the palmettos from his yard, too. So I think I willl try to see if Home Depot has any sale garland left. If not, my work is nearly done! LOL



  8. I love the smell of real evergreens. The ones like you have are pretty hard to come by around here. They look fabulous, what a great find!

  9. that's awesome! did not go to waste!

  10. Way to recycle!! I want some fresh greens in my home this year! hugs, Linda

  11. Nice find and you made a beautiful swag. Looks great. xo

  12. You are da best I've ever seen...this looks so pretty to me and even better it was free for the pickn'..lovely my friend,thanks for sharing.

    Happy Merry Christmas


  13. How could anyone throw away evergreen this time of year? I'm glad they did as it worked out so well for you!

  14. Wow, now that is perfect and makes your mailbox look so festive. You're so resourceful and inspirational.

  15. Ha! Good job! They sell these at the nursery. I did the same thing over the weekend.. except I gathered my greens at the tree farm.

    Enjoy the festivities and happy decorating!

  16. Lovely, Lynn! Sometimes I go to the Christmas tree lot and ask if I can have the cuttings, too.

  17. I would so be on those evergreens. None near me though.

  18. Yay Lynn! This looks great and didn't cost you a thing!

    Your house is the same color our first house was in Greensboro, and we had a mailbox like yours (only black). I still love those city mailboxes. :)

    Have a wonderful day!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  19. Looks great, Lynn! I do love shopping the curb!

  20. What a nice idea - the mailman will certainly appreciate your efforts, I doubt he sees this often! Happy Holidays!

  21. Oh gosh, I would have stopped for those evergreen boughs, too! They make the whole house smell wonderful!

  22. What a great idea, it looks so pretty!

  23. In the right spot at the right time I guess. The greens look lovely on the mailbox.

  24. You are too funny. Great find and love the price. You did a great job with spiffying up your mailbox. Joni

  25. Extra cheery Lynn! Your box is charming and your right, it pays to keep our eyes open.

  26. It's so simple and yet so Christmassy!

  27. First, I have to give the popcorn a try! Sounds like something right up my alley! Love, love, love fresh cut greens. What a score!

  28. Very nice, I can smell the sweet scent from here.

  29. Great idea! this turned out so nice!!
    LOVE it!

  30. Hey that was a good idea - glad you didn't get arrested - lol - it did turn out pretty though. sandie

  31. You are so funny and this is so pretty!

  32. How beautiful, Lynn! I'm always on the lookout for anyone who has trimmed a live tree around here, but most everyone (including us) have faux trees. What I do see lots of piles of are not conducive to Christmas decor -- mesquite branches and spindly oak just don't cut it for a Christmas!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!