
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

When guys go shopping...

I completed my Thanksgiving food shopping and had that peaceful 'whew, I'm out of that mob scene' feeling-you know the one... Out of the blue the boys said they'd like an apple pie with raisins for Turkey Day, so I said I'll make the pie if you get the apples:@) Ma didn't raise no dummy!
 They showed up with seven of these monsters!!! Some of these apples were close to 4" across! 
I promptly sent two home with them to munch on and had more than enough for a plump pie.
Thanksgiving is about abundance after all, isn't it!

My tip for today: Change up your favorite apple pie by adding a hearty handful of raisins.

Have a happy day:@)

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  1. You and your sons make a great apple pie team. Yep, momma ain't no fool.

  2. I was grocery shopping today, and the store was a madhouse! I understand exactly what you're saying. I'll bet you all enjoy your apple pie tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving, Lynn!

  3. yummy. tasty apples i bet. happy thanksgiving!! big hugs! ( :

  4. Those are some good looking apples!! Mine were huge too, and recipe called for 6 I used 4! xo

  5. I like big apples, peel one and get a lot of apple! Because of stupid Sandy, we couldn't pick our big apples this year. I had to buy puny ones. I like the ones that weigh almost a lb each!
    Happy Thanksgiving, L!
    I've caught up here, you have been cooking up a storm!

  6. You sure grow your apples big in America.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you have a great day.

  8. Hi Lynn,
    great idea to send them for apples. And - they brought the hugest apples, they found. LOL May be they hoped to get more apple pie!
    Enjoy and have a Happy Thankgiving.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  9. Who could resist those shiny apples? I can just see them standing in the supermarket asking each other how many apples should we get...

    Happy Thanksgiving Lynn for our house to yours.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving, Lynn. I hope you and your family have a wonderful day. Those are some apples!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving Lynn. I hope you have a bountiful Thanksgiving. Raisins are an wonderful addition to apple pie.

  12. Lynn, Have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your boys and pie. I like to stay away from the stores areound the holidays -- but, inevetably, I forget something. Joni

  13. Lynn, wishing you a happy, delicious Thanksgiving!!!! 90% of the time I get a phone call when I send my hubby to the store...he doesn't do so well when left to his own devices ;)

  14. I'm guessing the pie was DELICIOUS! Happy Thanksgiving, Lynn!

  15. I love apples! I like making a Waldorf salad with one of mine! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving day....and didn't get a tatoo! heeheehee! Sweet hugs!

  16. And just like a great Mom, you made those boys the pie they wanted!! I'll bet it tasted wonderful, too. I'd just as soon peel a big apple than have to peel many tiny ones. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful...yummy apple pie and all.

  17. ummm, those are awesome looking apples...and BIG. :)
    I love apple pie.

  18. Hi Lynn,
    I hope that you enjoyed your Thanksgiving dinner with your family. Bet that apple pie was delish!!



Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!