
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pig Alert! Halloween Costumes

I have a pig snout hanging from my computer monitor, it's true. One just never knows when it might come in handy:@) There's even a picture of me wearing it floating around this blog somewhere. Thought I'd 'nose' around to see what they have to offer porcine inclined folks this Halloween...

Can you stand it-too adorable!

For the more mature set that may want to whip up their own costume and only needs accessories:

Oh and here's a little something for the cool guy in the group:

I actually kinda think this romper is cute... LOVE the shoes!

And here's a costume for "that guy" in the crowd, I think we all know one...

And last but not least, don't forget about your best friend:

Have a happy day:@)


  1. I'm eyeing that puppy costume for Oliver!! Now I'm off to look for you wearing the snout. How many years of posts do I need to go through??


  2. I'm off to hunt you in "EARL" look -ah-like too....were oh were can ya be!..could you re-post please,teehehe.

    Now,the little piggy is my favorite,love this...look at that adorable face,with those chunky cheeks.

  3. .....oh all I had to do was type in "wearing a pig snout" in your search this blog,and wha la!!!...

    there you are in "EARL" fashion....this is so darn funny,I actually laughed out loud,hubby came from other room and said,"what cha laughing at" sorry I had to show him also...ain't blogging so much fun...thanks for the chuckle!!!

  4. You always manage to put a smile on my face the first thing in the morning.

  5. The romper one is my favorite, but the baby outfit is a close second. I should be ashamed to admit this, but I STILL like costumes. I guess I'll never grow up.

  6. Squeeeeeeeeaaal for that baby piggie pic!

  7. Hi Lynn,

    The first and last pictures are the funniest to me -- what a hoot!! I agree with Helen; that baby picture makes me want to squeal. :o)

    Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day!!!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  8. Adorable costumes for the little ones! Love the accessories, LOL! Thanks for the smile :)

  9. Cute costumes but gotta say...that little baby is my fav. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  10. Love the pig costumes! The baby is the best!! hugs, Linda

  11. I wonder if I could con my step-d into dressing our newest little Grandson as a pig!

    So cute!

  12. You brought a smile to me this morning! What a fun post!

  13. So adorable! i just love that chubby little baby! Too cute!

  14. Those are all way too cute...My favorite has to be the dog costume, I showed it to Maggie and Jack and they left the room, pronto..Party poopers. xo

  15. That first picture is just too cute...sadly, the only costume here I have a need for might be the last one. I don't think my husband will let me dress Zoe up for the holiday, he thinks she is way too "babied" already! Hope all is well with you. I'm trying to get around and see some of my favorite blog friends. Where does the time go?

  16. Great costumes! I like the second one the best, though.
    Also, the gingerdead are great. The mummy is truly an inspiration.

  17. Oh my, the baby piggie is just THE cutest!! I kinda like the little romper, too. What's Earl going to be???

  18. Oh my gosh. How could you not just love that baby!

  19. Aw, what fun costumes! I need to figure out something for our geriatric dog :)

  20. Hysterical, Lynn. Love the bull dog in that cute piggy costume.

  21. Okay now I LOVE the first and last one - A D O R A B L E !

  22. You won me on the first one. What a doll! But that dog is running a close second. SOOOO cute!



  23. i love the doggie in the pig outfit or the girl in the pig outfit. so cute!! what a great idea for Halloween coming up. so fun!! (:

  24. LOL! Too cute, Lynn! Now I remember when you Bathroom Beauty Snapped for me with your little piggy nose! :)
    You always make me smile or feed me - the best of the best.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. Those are so cute! So which one will you pick? :)

  26. These are hilarious! I wonder how many kids choose "pig" when they are asked what they want to be for Halloween? I don't remember any coming to my door over all the years, and we used to live in a neighborhood where we had 300+ kids come. Nellie would have that last one ripped to shreds in no time! But the baby is adorable. Makes me want to give him a poke. Linda

  27. So fun! Hard to decide but I think I like the first and the last ones best!

  28. Hi Lynn, These costumes are so much fun. Love the baby one the best.
    xo, Jeanne

  29. Just to cute...........I love #1. I would love to squeeze that little pig..............

    The FrenchHutch

  30. One Halloween, I wrapped myself in a blanket and wore a pig nose and I was a pig in a blanket. Loved it!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!