
Sunday, August 12, 2012

This time... it's personal!

I'm making one last attempt to grow some string beans this year. I got the seeds in right before a huge storm last Sunday, add a lot of sunshine and a couple more rains during the week and the seeds were up Thursday morning. Even though I used Liquid Fence the last time the rabbits still ate my plants, so I dug some ugly old fencing out of the shed and this is the "bunnies eye view" of their would-be-salad...

Noooooo!!! Drat you human!

Have a happy day:@)


  1. Hope you get some beans. Liquid fence, that sounds interesting. xo

  2. Hope this set up works, Lynn! My daughter's yard in Colorado gets visited by deer and rabbits and Elk so it's also a battle to grow veggies out there!

  3. You'll be eatn' string beans before much longer,can't wait to see your recipe!

  4. I hope you get some beans, Lynn. The bunny, of course, hopes not! I thought of you today when I saw a birdhouse shaped like a pig and painted pink. Have a nice week!

  5. Busted Bunny!!! Too funny, girl. Good luck with the beans....soooo dry here in garden this year for me. Thanks for visiting.

  6. haha I do hope it works - they are looking so good!

  7. Oh....let me know if it works. I am just trying to grow enough so that we all have some. (the 2 baby bunnies in my garden have been growing quite nicely, thanks to the beans, and other stuff, I think!

  8. We have 'NO' beans this year...but we do have plenty of RABBITS! At first I thought my hubby accidentally used the weed-eater on them because they were cut off so neat, all the same length. It is too late for us to replant but it looks like you will have a nice crop..Good luck! xo

  9. Oh good luck dear friend! It's been awhile since I've grown any but I do remember that growing string beans is so fun and rewarding. I guess those bunnies must know that too! Hopefully your fence will keep them away. Best wishes for this crop!

  10. Oh this is a real war! Good luck. The rabbits ate my 90 year old MIL's beans and she's still mad! Your Fierce Bad Rabbit photo is a hoot.

    The French Hutch

  11. Good luck! Something has been eating my geraniums. One by one they disappear from the garden. This morning I noticed that one in a pot is not completely gone. Not sure what critter is dining here.

  12. HAINT BLUE...Laughing out loud,YEP,the wasp/hornets run from it too!!!!

  13. Cute post. Hope you can keep those pesky bunnies out.

  14. So funny. Hope it works. They can be very determined.

  15. There's nothing more maddening than some kind of critter getting the new shoots that you've so lovingly planted, unless it was Earl of course!

  16. I have never heard of liquid fence, but I've found in general if animals want food, there is little you can do to stop them. Better luck with the new fence. Hope you are able to get your beans this year. Between the rabbits and our dogs, we rarely get the squash we plant. This is the first year the rabbits haven't gotten anything. Somehow I doubt our "secret garden" is that secret from them, but they would have to get closer to the house this year, and my guess is the rabbits decided that wasn't worth the trouble.

  17. Ha-ha! I had to put a plastic fence around my cucumbers and tomato plants because we have a resident doe and her fawn that like to nibble on them. Our rabbit population has greatly diminished since a few foxes are living nearby too. No complaints from me!

  18. Sooooo cute!!! What a terrific pic, I loved it! This little cuties are such pain in the YKW!! We had them too when we used to plant veggies in our veggie patch, (in our previous house) and one time we found out they were from a neighbor! Hubby really got mad and was ready to shoot a couple, lol..

  19. That rabbit image cracks me up! Good luck this go-round!

  20. Yea!!!! I hope you out smarted those pesky, bean eating rabbits!!

  21. The bunnnies have been punked:}

  22. Those cursed bunnies don't share. If they wouldn't devour everything, I'm sure you'd let them have a leaf or two. Too bad, bunnies.

  23. That rabbit was sure cute - but does create a havoc. sandie


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