
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pickled Jalapenos-Questions...

Howdy, can y'all help a Yankee out? I see recipes that call for pickled jalapenos and I'd like to make some while they're plentiful, but I have a few questions...
There are m-a-n-y different versions out there:
1. Do you add sugar or not?
2. Do you slice them or leave them whole?
3. Do you can them or just store them in the fridge?
4. Does the canned version get soft/mushy?
5. Anyone have Granny's or an old family recipe?
6. What's your favorite way to eat them?

I'm curious about how you make them or eat them, any thoughts/recipes/advice would be welcome!
Thanks and have a happy day:@)


  1. Great question. Wish I could help out. But I'm looking forward to the answers you receive and will check back later.

  2. I'm with Sam. Now I purchase them pickled--sliced.


  3. Sounds delicious, Lynn. I love hot and spicy food but I can't help uou cause I never prepared one...Christine

  4. I'm sorry that I can't help you, but logically I think I can answer your question regarding canning and peppers softening. The difference is probably identical to fresh and refrigerated dill pickles versus their canned counterpart. The time spent in the canning kettle is bound to make them softer, but not necessarily mushy. Have a greatday. Good luck with the peppers. Blessings...Mary

  5. I can't help you except how I eat them! In anything, beans, meats, salads, sandwiches, marinades. Looking forward to seeing your pickled jalapeno's. I always use the canned. The wheels.

  6. Sorry, Lynn, I wish I could help but I am also a Yankee girl, and while both my grandparents canned things, it was mostly tomato sauce, eggplant, carrots and berries. And I wasn't around at the time they were doing a lot of this. xo

  7. Sorry I'm of no help Lynn. In general, I don't eat a lot of peppers and spicy food thanks to some stomach troubles. I only have jalapenos in very small amounts in Mexican food. I hope the recipe you do try ends up being a good one!

  8. Same here ... looking for some answers ... just had some on my sandwich and I was just thinking the same thing ... I totally need to make my own pickled jalapenos... let me know how the quest turns out and do share the recipe if you find one! :)

  9. I don't know how to make them but I sure love them on a sandwich. I'll be curious to see what you come up with for a recipe.

  10. I live in the South but I have to confess that I don't know the answer to any of your questions! That's sad isn't it? Let us know when you figure it out!

  11. Hi Lynnie! OH, I wish I could help you. We just buy them from the grocery store!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  12. Hi Lynn,
    Great questions about the Jalapenos this is a recipe that I use, it is really good. I am happy to share with you'al.
    Pickled Jalapenos
    Miz Helen's Kitchen
    Miz Helen's Country Cottage
    20 Fresh Jalapenos
    1 large garlic clove, peeled
    2 to 3 cups vinegar
    1 bay leaf
    1 teaspoon salt
    Wash chiles and cut off stems leaving the cap at the top intact. Pierce each chile with a paring knife to allow vinegar to enter the chile. Place garlic and bay leaf and salt in a hot sterilized quart canning jar, then pack chiles tip down into jar as tightly and uniformly as possible. Bring vinegar just to a boil and pour over chiles. Let sit 2 minutes then tap jar and seal. Process 15 minutes in a hot water bath. Let rest a few days before opening. Refrigerate after opening. This recipe makes 1 quart.

    Sure hope you'al enjoy your Pickled Jalapenos and have a great week end!
    Miz Helen

  13. I'd listen to Miz Helen, Lynn!! Her recipe sounds like the real deal and being a Texas girl, she sure loves spicy food with some kick to it. I've met her and she's the sweetest, kindest lady.

  14. I have pickled hot peppers for the first time that includes jalapeƱos. I did use a vinegar/sugar mixture including garlic. So far, it's not mushy.

    Have fun canning and pickling jalapenos.



Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!