
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pickled Jalapenos (and a milder option)-A Canning Tutorial

I've canned quite a few things over the years and this summer wanted to add Pickled Jalapenos to the list. This is a nice easy pickling recipe that would make great Christmas gifts, especially if you're lucky enough to find/grow both green and red jalapenos. The recipe makes a quart, I cut it down considerably and made four 4oz jars. Good for a hearty party sized nacho spread or a few sandwiches.
 Please excuse Earl, he's pouting, he thought he was the only hot stuff around here...

You will need:

Place water bath (or pot of water deep enough to cover the jars you are using) on stove and bring to boil.
Wash and dry jalapenos.
They can be jarred whole, sliced in half lengthwise or cut into 1/4" rings. If using whole chiles, cut off the stems leaving the cap intact and make a few vertical cuts in each pepper so the vinegar can get into them. 
I chose rings, plan on about three 2.5" peppers for each 4oz jar, 6-7 for 8oz etc.

For those of us that love jalapenos but only cleaned ones I suggest taking out the membranes and seeds.
I figure any seeds that stick to the peppers after cleaning are meant to be there:@)
Note: Please take the heat seriously, if you're going to be handling a lot of sliced chiles use disposable gloves. I'm speaking from experience, not only does it hurt your eyes if you rub them, etc., if you handle enough of them your fingers will even burn.

Place bay leaf, garlic and kosher salt in sterilized jar. 
Salt=1 tsp per quart, 1/2 tsp per pint, 1/4 tsp per half pint, 1/8 tsp per 4oz.
For 4oz jars I used the smallest or broken bay leaves and a very small clove of garlic cut into 4 pieces.

 Pack chiles tip down as tightly as possible in each jar or fill jars with as many slices as you can.
I took the time to try to "nest" the slices into each other so I could get more into each jar.
Using some thin jalapenos would be helpful.

Bring vinegar to a boil and pour over each jar to 1/4" from the top.
I  boiled 1 1/2 cups vinegar for four 4oz jars, it took a tad less.
Let sit for 2 minutes then tap the jar or run a wooden skewer down the sides to remove air bubbles. 
Add more vinegar if needed.

Add lids and bands to jars and process for 15 minutes for whole peppers or 10 minutes for rings in a hot water bath. Remove jars and place on a towel to cool, count the pings and love life!

Pickled Jalapenos-from Miz Helen's Country Cottage
Makes 1 quart
20 fresh jalapenos
1 large clove garlic
1 bay leaf
1 tsp kosher salt
2-3 cups white vinegar
Wash chiles and cut off stems leaving the cap at the top intact. Pierce each chile with a paring knife to allow vinegar to enter the chile. Place garlic and bay leaf and salt in a hot sterilized quart canning jar, then pack chiles tip down into jar as tightly and uniformly as possible. Bring vinegar just to a boil and pour over chiles. Let sit 2 minutes then tap jar and seal. Process 15 minutes in a hot water bath. Let rest a few days before opening. Refrigerate after opening. This recipe makes 1 quart.

I'd like to send a big Thank You to Miz Helen, this is her recipe for whole jalapenos and it's a keeper! Please stop by Wednesday nights for her long-running foodie party Full Plate Thursday.


  1. The red and green would be perfect Christmas gifts... so pretty. We love the heat of the seeds when we cook with jalapenos but I agree that they should be cut out for this recipe.

    Poor Earl... he made me laugh. LOL

  2. I have to make these. My kids love pickled jalapenos. I really like how you broke it down in a small batch. I just canned pickles and peach salsa this week. So much fun!

  3. What a great job you've done with the tutorial. You friends will be pleased with these for Christmas.

  4. Great job Lynn! I'll have to get some of those small jars! I didn't grow jalapenos this year, but I'm going to give this one a try.

  5. Great tutorial, and they look great!

  6. I just pickled jalapenos for the first time. I love that you were able to find red and green ones!

  7. Good morning Lynn, Time for visiting YAY!!! We like jalapenos but I don't think I want to can them. I make jam and that's about it. Your jars look delish and very colorful. I admire you for taking on such a tedious job. I know they will taste awesome.
    Happy Sunday,
    Jeanne xo

  8. Love the step by step,you make it look so easy..I want to try this recipe also I'm stickn' a "pin" in this for my pinterest.

  9. I stood at the kitchen counter yesterday looking at the pile of jalapenos that had just been picked...what to do? I found the answer! Thank you so much for the step by step!

  10. Another great idea for our abundance of jalapeno peppers!

  11. These look pretty when they are finished!

  12. Thank you so much for this recipe, Lynn! I'm gonna make it, with my 20 jalapeno a day harvest!

  13. Hi Lynn,
    Your tutorial is just beautiful and I am so excited that you used the Jalapeno Recipe, thanks so much for linking back to me. Hope you have a fabulous week and enjoy your Pickled Jalapeno's.
    Miz Helen

  14. These are so pretty in addition to sounding delicious, so glad you found the recipe!

  15. People are always telling me to can it. Now I know what they want me to do! Gorgeous pics.

  16. This looks so good and you make it look SO easy as well! Love pickled jalapenos!!!!!

  17. I'm your newest follower; found you through my buddy, Miz Helen. Please stop over and check out Frugalhomekeeping. I think we like the same kinds of recipes :)

  18. Earl will always be the 'hottest thing around'! - Seeing you working with those jalapenos, remind me of a jelly recipe that I tasted years was so good, have you ever made jelly from them? - I don't think I have ever seen red jalapenos, anyway, I sure like the red and green, perfect for a Christmas gift! xo

  19. I just recently had these on a burger at a local restaurant. Delish!

  20. Makes me want to hot-foot it to the nearest farmers market and stock up on Jalapenos! Great recipe that I'd love to try.

  21. I have to confess, Lynne, that I've never given a thought to pickling jalapeƱos, by they do make a beautiful jar.

  22. A jar will make a wonderful gift, Lynn!

    I don't have jalepenos peppers growing this summer, but I do have hot banana pepers. They do make my fingers burn when I cut them, so I better get some disposable gloves.

  23. They look so colorful and wonderful, Lynn!! I can't wait to make some now. Tell Earl I think he's still a hottie!!

  24. This is the first year that we didn't grow copious jalapenos around here. You have had so many wonderful recipes that I kick myself every time. Now, you're pickling them, and I'm kicking myself yet again. These would make wonderful gifts too, wouldn't they?

  25. I love that little sound the jars make when they seal. The peppers look so delicious but I know they would be too hot for me.

  26. Oh, yum. I'm sending this link to my daughter. She has a lot of jalapenos in her garden this year! I like the mixed colors in the jar!

    ping, ping, ping, ping

    What a wonderful, happy sound as the jars seal.

  27. This is an easy project! My son will love me all the more if I make these! Thanks for joining ON THE MENU MONDAY and TUTORIAL TIPS AND TIDBITS! I really appreciate your faithfulness to my linkies! You are a dear!

  28. Great tutorial Lynn! I cut up a couple of jalapenos the other day and several hours later was trying to figure out why my finger tips felt like they were burning :)

    One day I'm going to ditch the fear factor and take the canning plunge!

  29. I need to try this. I have so many jalapenos to use up!!

  30. Poor Earl. lol

    Great tutorial! Those pickled jalapenos are perty in the jars! I love when they are green and red mixed together like that. They look perfect for a Christmas present.

    Thank you for linking up at the Carnival of Home Preserving! I love seeing what you've been up too!

  31. Your Pickled Jalapenos sound delicious, and although I have never canned before, they look very do-able too! What a great gift these would make as well. They look so pretty in the jars - love the picture with Earl :)

  32. Delicious Pickled Jalapenos, great homemade gift, thanks for sharing with Hearth and Soul blog hop. I am shouting out this recipe in this week Hearth and Soul blog hop.

  33. Congratulations!
    Your recipe is featured on Full Plate Thursday this week. Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy your new Red Plate!
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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