
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

So... Hot enough for ya?

While some of us are weeding the garden, canning veggies, and mowing the lawn in the heat of summer, others, well let's just say others seem to have found a better way to spend their day...
Earl only has one question:
What, no cup holder...
 S'up wit dat???

Have a happy day:@)

PS-I'd like to thank everyone for their suggestions about getting stains out of napkins. I did soak my thrifted ones and my favorite old cotton ones in Oxy Clean, well the cheaper brand at Walmart any way, for a day and it worked great! 


  1. Love oxyclean! Soaking a good idea, just like Earl.

  2. Oh are so ,cool,!!

  3. Yay for the Oxyclean! I'm a groupie, I tell ya. I was actually thinking about you last night while soaking one of my daughter's tops in the stuff. I'm so glad it worked.

  4. Oh Lynn, this is too funny !! :-D I just love Earl; he always makes my day! I'm going to try the Oxyclean trick myself. Hope you have a very Happy Fourth and somehow manage to stay cool.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  5. Oh, it is hot -- we got a bit of a respite yesterday -- only in the mid-90's and lower humidity. I am glad that Earl has found a way to *keep it cool* :)

    Yay for Oxyclean! I always add it to my homemade laundry formula - it does work miracles. Fels Naptha soap is my stain-getter-outter-go-to :)

    Happy 4th Lynn (and Earl)!


  6. Good to know, isn't it? So sorry you are having such an awful heatwave.

  7. I must have missed that post about stains...I've got some linens to try that out on. : ) Looks like hanging in a pool is a good idea!

  8. Earl definitely knows how to kick back and relax.....I hope you do the same!! Happy 4th!

  9. Whoever said pigs were dumb? He could teach us all a lesson. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  10. Oh Earl, can I join you and I'll bring the cup holder and the beverages! Now I know to use Oxyclean (I'm a store brand girl also). Have a great 4th!! hugs, Linda

  11. Yea, glad the oxy worked. Your little friend looks super cool in his pool! lol!

  12. Stay cool!
    I'll have to try Oxyclean. Good to know it works! I use Amodex on stains and it works great most of the time.
    Have a happy 4th of July!

  13. Lynn I hope you and Earl & family have a wonderful 4th of July and Keep Cool!!!

  14. It is so bad here that I have considered getting out the little blow up pool we have for the grands. The only problem with that is the water would be so hot so fast it wouldn't be worth it. Looks like our 4th will be spent indoors!Have a good one!

  15. Earl has the right idea! I'd like to join him!! xo

  16. That Earl sure is demanding, or should I say, picky, isn't he? He sure keeps you on your toes and all of us laughing. Thanks, Lynn, for your humor. I love that little fella!!

  17. Hi Lynnie! That little Earl has it made! :) I wish you a Happy 4th and I'm sure you're cooking up something delish! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. He is off the chain. I sell vintage linens and Oxy is my saving grace every time.

  19. That's the life Earl! Have a fun 4th of July!

  20. Even hot at the beach. Too hot, but at least we have power. Feel terrible for those who don't!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!