
Friday, July 6, 2012

Pickled Beets-Canning

As my sons walked through the door for dinner last Sunday I heard "we come bearing gifts" and turned around to see a bag of beets from their garden! How fun-thanks guys! I was trully impressed that they could grow the beets, that's something I've never had luck with. So after dinner I canned some pickled beets.
I ended up with 3 pints, one for the boys, one for Ma and if I can show some restraint... 
I'll save one for Thanksgiving dinner. We'll see how that plays out:@)
This recipe is 100% Ball Blue Book:

Pickled Beets
3 quarts beets (about 24 small)
2 C sugar
2 sticks cinnamon
1 Tblsp whole allspice
1 1/2 tsp salt
3 1/2 cups vinegar-I used cider vinegar
1 1/2 C water
  1. Wash beets, cook beets, peel and dice beets.
  2. Combine everything except beets in large sauce pot.
  3. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove cinnamon sticks-I wrapped cinnamon and allspice in cheesecloth and removed both.
  5. Pack beets into hot jars leaving 1/4" headspace.
  6. Ladle hot liquid over beets leaving 1/4" headspace.
  7. Remove air bubbles and add lids and bands.
  8. Process for 30 minutes in hot water bath.
  9. Yield: Approx 6 pints or 3 quarts.


  1. Beets? BEETS? Sigh. I supposed they ARE good for you. I won't be canning them but I WILL be trying the easy mac'n'cheese from the last post.

  2. I am going to send this to my daughter... she loves beets. I however, have never tried one. Stay cool.

  3. We love beets! That does not include our two sons. I'd hoped they would outgrow their distaste but not so far!!


  4. I admire people who can!! I used to love going down into my grandmother's basement to get a jar of 'whatever' to add to dinner. Not a fan of beets but they are so very good for you.

  5. I loooooooove pickled beets! My mother, sister, and I are the only ones who like them so we like it when Mom serves them. We can eat them all ourselves. I have never tried to can them myself.

  6. A favorite at our house! I recently sold my big canner and daughter noticed it sitting on the kitchen counter awaiting pick up by it's new owner and asked what was up -- when I told her it was going to live with someone else, she about cried thinking I would never again make pickled beets, lol.

    Have a great weekend!


  7. I do love pickled beets. I eat them on their own or in salads with goat cheese. Yum! xo

  8. A favorite at my house too. They never last long

  9. I thinned our beets last night and we enjoyed baby butter beets today for lunch. Sooooo good! I canned some of these last year and we still haven't taken them out to try. Thanks for the reminder! Love those little jars : )

  10. Great post! Love the little jars. Thanks for linking up at the carnival of home preserving!

  11. I love beets as long as they are not too sweet, looks very good though folks. Richard from the Amish settlement of Lebanon,pa

  12. Lucky you, Lynn! Beets are so delicious, especially when pickled. I do buy them at the store since I do not can. You are a talented and adventurous cook!

  13. What sweet boys! We love pickled beets and especially the ruby jewels in the jars. I like the squat jars you used and may change to those for just the two of us.

    Have a great weekend! xo

  14. oh, you brought me back many years to my grandma's house! She always had these on the dinner table! I can almost taste them and hear her sweet voice! Thanks and yum!

  15. The beets are beautiful. I just ordered new canning lids. Looking forward to lots of canning this year.
    I had a very meager beet harvest. Gave them to my MIL who loves them.

  16. Gosh, my hubby and I used to do a lot of canning when we lived in Ohio. I love beets and yours look so pretty. Do you ever put peeled hard-cooked eggs in with the beets? My MIL used to do that at Easter and I loved it.

  17. Hi Lynn,
    I like beets in the winter, too. Especially as ingredient in the Russian soup Borschtsch with sour cream topping. Thanks for this recipe.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  18. I adore pickled beets and remember my mom canning them when I was little. If I ever get brave enough to can anything, these will be at the top of my list!

  19. I love pickled beets and am thrilled you posted this recipe. The smart money say your jar of beets will never make it to the Thanksgiving table :-). Have a wonderful day.Blessings...Mary

  20. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am an enamelware fanatic :) I have it everywhere in my kitchen. I love how pretty beets are in a jar lol Blessings!~ Nikki

  21. I came over to visit from Ocean Breezes blog... I am so making some of your stuffed Jalapeno recipes!

  22. I just bought the big pot to start canning and beets are going to be first try! I've done freezer jam but never canned before. Never too late to start!!! How great that your boys are growing them in the garden!!

  23. I just love pickled beets. Have always loved them since I was a kid but yours look so pretty in the jars. We make pickled eggs with them too. Have you ever tried that?

  24. Hi Lynn, my dad LOVED pickled beets--just loved them, so we were forced, against our will and kicking and screaming, to eat them! Now looking at your recipe I am rethinking the ban on them. They actually look good! We will see how far I get with this experiment. If my sistersees them in my house she will think she's in the wrong house. So nice of your boys to think of you! Linda

  25. Lynn~ I am not a beet fan...I have tried to be but I am just not. I'm so impressed your boys grew them and with your canning! I love ball jars but am terrified of canning and afraid I would poison someone :)

  26. Oh Lynn, this would be like a bag of gold to me. I don't have good luck with beets either. Last year they got mushy... and I LOVE pickled beets!
    Your recipe looks very much like mine. Your jars are adorable!!!!
    Thanks for joining ON THE MENU MONDAY.

  27. Oh I have never pickled them - usually just roast them and then use them in warm salads.

    I found you on Stone Gable's On the Menu Monday. I have linked in bacon and scrambled egg rolls. Have a nice week.

  28. I LOVE!!! pickled beets! :) My husband and I can beets every year and we go through them so fast. I'm pretty sure we have a few with almost every meal. Thanks so much for sharing with Hearth and Soul!

  29. I canned several bushels full last year but didn't make them pickled - that is on my to-do list this year. Yours look so lovely!

  30. Ahhhh, beets! I have plans to purchase a basket to can soon. Hoping the weather cools down so I can coordinate the work with the weather. Don't they look like rubies in the jars? Love them.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  31. We just love pickled beets, your recipe looks wonderful! Hope you have a fantastic week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  32. Love your blog and the name is too cute. I am not a big fan of beets but its worth a shot right?? :) Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!