
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Cucumber Bagel Spread

On this episode of Recipe Hoarders... I finally get around to making a bagel spread I cut out of BH&G in 2006. Super simple, only 5 ingredients and ~tis the season~ for cucumbers!  
Wow, if I added some red bell pepper this would have fit nicely with the Christmas in July theme!

My thoughts:
  • I really like the nice crunch you get from the cool, crisp cucumbers.
  • I had a little cuke from the garden so I didn't peel it.
  • Subbed about 2 Tblsp of finely minced onion for the scallions. Sprinkled chives for color.
  • Salt is important in this, I added a lot of freshly ground black pepper too.
  • Overall it's tasty and a nice way to use up a cucumber.
Have a happy day:@)


  1. Are you open to new members in your "recipe hoarders' club? I am the queen of clippers and hoarders and non-users of many! This spread looks refreshingly delicious!


  2. LOL! Sounds like you should have a show on Food Network, The Recipe Hoarders! I love it. The spread looks delicious.

  3. Oh yum, I am a cucumber sandwich girl so I will love this.

  4. I love cucumbers so this might have to go into my recipe file!

  5. What a great way to use up those cukes! I have to try this! :)


  6. This looks really tasty! I'm visiting my son and daughter this week and they have fresh cukes in their gardens, so I'll pass this recipe on to them.

  7. Ooh, looks yummy! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  8. PS: I think I am also a memebr of "Recipe Hoarders"! I won't live long enough to try all the recipes I have clipped out of magazines over the years

  9. It sounds delicious and is a wonderful topper for a morning bagel. I'll have to give it a try. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  10. Recipe Hoarders, I am drafting a post as I type this comment! I love this recipe as I love cukes (and bagels). Red bell pepper would make it snap, crackle and pop. xo

  11. This sounds like a delicious way to start the day...especially with lovely small cucumbers now in season.

  12. mmm this looks and sounds, yummy and refreshing, especially with the cucumbers in it. What a delicious way to use my garden cukes, have to try this. Thanks for the recipe and for your sweet comment on my outdoor pillow project. Have a wonderful weekend!~Poppy

  13. I am a charter member of that club, recipe and cookbook hoarder. How fun is this! Thanks for the hint on the leftover containers, my step mom did that years ago and I laughed now not so funny. :)

  14. MMmmm...what a wonderful spread! It sounds like a perfect way to use up the partial cukes that end up in my kitchen!

  15. It's not even 6:00 AM. Too early for me to be laughing out loud at your term "recipe hoarders". Isn't that just the truth of it? I am trying hard not to become a pin hoarder on pinterest but really bring those recipes to fruition. I should blame you, actually. It seems like I'm always seeing something on this blog to try.

    Just happened again in fact.

  16. You would like benedictine. A Kentucky thang.

  17. I would love this. Your spread looks delicious.


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