
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Chocolate Cream Meringue Pie

I've made a ton of pies in my time, but not only have I never made a cream pie, I've never tasted a cream pie! That all changed this weekend thanks to Marty at A Stroll Through Life. Marty was kind enough to share a family recipe that's been a favorite for at least four generations. This is a cream pie recipe that can be adapted for different flavors, vanilla, coconut, banana and I chose chocolate!
I wanted to make something for the holiday weekend and decided to pipe some stars and stripes
with a Wilton 1M tip.
An offset spatula works great to help spread the meringue nice and flat on top.
Marty's recipe is for a deep dish pie or (2) 9" pies, since I wanted to use an 8" purchased Keebler Shortbread Crust I decided to cut the recipe back to 2/3-worked perfectly! I'll give you Marty's measurements and mine in italics.

 Chocolate Cream Meringue Pie 
1 C sugar - 2/3 C sugar
1/2 C flour - 5 1/2 Tblsp flour
3 Tblsp cocoa powder - 2 Tblsp cocoa powder
3 egg yolks - 2 egg yolks, keep whites separate for meringue
3 C milk - 2 C milk
1 tsp vanilla-1/2 tsp vanilla
One bottom crust, baked or purchased

3 egg whites - I used 3 egg whites too
1/3 C sugar - 1/4 C sugar
I also used 1/4 tsp cream of tarter (because I had it)
  1. Cook sugar, flour, cocoa powder, yolks and milk over medium high heat until it comes to a boil stirring constantly until thick. 
  2. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla.
  3. Pour into bottom crust and lay a piece of wax paper over the top while making meringue.
  4. Beat egg whites and cream of tartar (if using) until soft peaks form.
  5. Add sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.
  6. Remove wax paper and add meringue to top of pie making sure it covers the edges of the pie crust.
  7. Bake at 375 until the top is golden brown, approximately 15 minutes.
  8. Cool on wire rack, then place in the fridge to completely chill.
  9. Store covered in fridge.
  • This pudding is fantastic folks, and it cooks in like 15 minutes!
  • Full disclosure: I did forget to add the vanilla, that can only make it better:@)
  • Next time: I will fill my piping bag first so I have a better idea of how much meringue to use to cover the pie under the decoration. I ended up not using some of the meringue because I didn't know how much I'd need for piping. 
  • I made this early in the morning and had some errands to run, ended up putting it in the fridge before it had completely cooled off. That's why you see the little drops of condensation, make sure you give yourself well over an hour of cooling time.
  • Variations: Omit the chocolate (and remember the vanilla!) for vanilla pie, add 2 sliced ripe bananas to the bottom crust for banana pie, or mix in about 2/3 C coconut after the pudding has cooked and sprinkle a little coconut over the meringue for color. Are we missing any fun flavors folks?


  1. OMgoodness, this looks delicious, I want a big ole slice of this pie! xo

  2. This is about the best looking pie I have ever seen. I am now very hungry for a chocolate pie. lol
    Hope your having a very nice weekend

  3. Mmmmm, that looks and sounds delicious!! Thank You for sharing the recipe!!

    ~Happy Memorial Day~
    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  4. Hi Lynn,
    This is my favorite pie ever! I could eat the whole thing and be really selfish and not share! LOL!

    Thanks for the recipe and I love how you made yours special for the holidays.


  5. It's a beautiful pie, you did a great job!

  6. Wow, what a pretty pie. I want a slice! Will you share with me, Earl?

    Thanks for sharing the recipe, Lynn.

  7. Oh, Lynn, I sure wish I had that pie here at my house. It looks delicious. Love, love, love pies with meringue, and chocolate suits me just fine! Hope your holiday weekend is filled with more special treats.

  8. my favorite part of this is that it doesn't contain pudding : ) This just has to be good. I wish I could figure out how you can cut it and not make it look cut.

  9. Wow Lynn, this sounds and looks fabulous. The stars on the meringue looks great. Happy Memorial Day.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  10. What gorgeous artwork with your meringue! You rock girly!!

  11. This pie looks amazing! Thanks so much for this post, my mom used to make this pie when I was little, but I never knew the recipe. Now I can add it back to the family list. I'd love to have you share it at Ivy and Elephants, too.
    Thanks again,

  12. May you have a GREAT Memorial weekend my dear friend..Eat pie and chill..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  13. What a beautiful patriotic pie Lynn. I'm loving your patriotic pigs too Lynn. Happy Memorial Day to you.

  14. Oh I am so glad you tried the recipe. Isn't it fantastic and sooooooooooo good. Super easy and simple ingredients that you always have in the house. Thanks for sharing it again. Hugs, Marty

  15. I would see this just when Mr. T mentioned that he would love to have a piece of chocolate cream pie!

  16. Hi Lynn,
    it does look yummy. You are going to kill my diet.
    best greetings, Johanna

  17. chocolate cream, my favorite because that is what my Grandma made!

  18. Oh no you didn't! Dieting here. Maybe I'll just drool on the keyboard and dream.

  19. Yummy, and cute! Perfect for the holiday!!
    Hope you are enjoying the long weekend, dearie.

  20. This sounds marvelous! I loved that you piped stars and stripes! As always, thank you for being a part of Seasonal Sundays. Have a wonderful Memorial Day.

    - The Tablescaper

  21. This is very much like my recipe for chocolate pie ~ or other flavors if you so desire. So glad you liked Marty's version and tried it. The decor is adorable! My meringue seems to always weep so I usually use whipped cream. Will have to try this again.


  22. This is the same recipe I've made for years (recipe from my mom) but MY pie has NEVER looked THIS pretty.
    You are such a fancy thang....:))

  23. Hi Lynn,

    I've never seen a chocolate meringue pie look sooo pretty! I love the stars and stripes so perfectly browned on top...Yum. :)

    This pudding recipe looks delicious and is possibly something even I could make. I've always been intimidated by cooking custards for fear of making them curdle. I will definitely try this. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  24. I don't think much of anything can top a chocolate meringue pie...unless it's coconut cream pie, or maybe pecan pie. Oh heck...that pie looks scrumptious!

  25. Wow ~ it's a beautiful looking pie Lynn, and I bet it tastes yummo!!!

    Susan and Bentley

  26. This looks like a fun pie to make (and eat)! Thanks so much! I'm loving your new banner! Have a great holiday!


  27. Wow, I've never seen meringue decorated like that. Great job!

  28. Your pie is gorgeous! What a pretty presentation and I'll bet it tastes wonderful!! Happy Memorial Day. p.s. I love your new banner.

  29. Lynn~ What a beautiful pie! I love your stars & stripes piped meringue! Brilliant~ I'm a cake girl, married to a pie man (can you detect the conflict?) so I'll try this! Happy Memorial Day to you & Earl :)

  30. Hi Lynn,
    I love what you did with the meringue, what a great idea! I just love Chocolate pie, yummy! Your recipe looks very good. Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!