
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Maple Meatballs

Well, maple sauce over meatballs more accurately! Maple sounded different for this week's PIGskin Challenge. Here's a great sauce to use with home made or store bought meatballs. The original recipe calls for putting frozen meatballs in a crock pot, pouring the sauce over top and heating for a few hours.
Just make sure you like the folks you're serving these to... pure maple syrup is not cheap:@)
Here's a chili sauce recipe in case you can use it.
My thoughts: This is a lip smacking great sauce, sweet, spicy and I could really taste the allspice...
The only thing missing was the maple flavor! It was totally overpowered by the chili sauce.
Full disclosure: I forgot to add the chives.

Maple Meatballs
3lbs frozen store bought meatballs
1 1/2 C real maple syrup
2 Tblsp dried chives
1 1/2 C chili sauce
1 Tblsp soy sauce
1/2 Tblsp ground mustard
Whisk everything together, add  meatballs to crock pot, pour sauce over meatballs and cook on high for
4 1/2 hours, low 5 1/2 hours.
Have a happy day!


  1. I like the idea. What would you do differently to make it taste more mapley next time?

  2. I think you are fast becoming my son's hero. He loves meatballs and sauces so I totally see this as a Turkey Day taker to the family get together.

  3. I so appreciate you telling us about the chili sauce being the boss over the maple flavor...maybe cut the sauce down to 3/4 to 1 cup? xo

  4. I just found your blog and I have signed up to follow it. I love your version of this recipe! It is a great holiday appetizer!

  5. Interesting combo here! Going to try this one!

  6. These sound delicious for a cocktail party. I use Grade B maple syrup for cooking - it has a slightly stronger flavor but it is hard to find and price-y. I actually found it once in the Christmas Tree Shop. Sometimes HomeGoods in the gourmet food aisles. xo

  7. Delicious...and they look good, too!


  8. I must be the most ignorant person on the planet because I've never heard of a maple sauce on meat balls that I can recall. I would definitely try this. Now, who do I like enough to splurge on the pure maple? Thinking...

  9. What a great-sounding sweet/sour sauce on these! Wow, that is a lot of chives in the recipe but I'll bet they would add a ton of flavor. Too bad you forget them ;)

  10. Looks like you have scored another winner here with this recipe. I swear I could gain 5 pounds every time I come here to see what is new. Not only that, but every time I see a pig I have to think of your blog, lol. Have a good one!
    Susanne :)

  11. You know, I think the only "sweet" I could eat with meat would be maple. Yep, I could do that. I love looking at your food displays almost as much as the food.

  12. I can't quite imagine maple syrup and meatballs - but I trust you!


  13. Lynn,
    Looks like a great sauce. Mister doesn't care for maple, so it would probably go over well with him, and the spicy sweet sounds yummy!

  14. Yum! Maple syrup and meatballs. They look beautiful, too.

  15. I'm kinda with Sandie on Maple syrup and meatballs. Maybe if they were flatened out like pancakes. sure are a creative meatballer!!!

  16. Nice combination, a nice change from the chili sauce-grape jelly combo. They look super!!

  17. I will take some of the spritz cookies with the meatballs! Both look so yummy. I bet the maple makes them amazing and I love the idea of the peanut butter in the cookies.

  18. They look yummy! Thanks for sharing!!

  19. Yum~ I love a sweet & savory combination!

  20. That's interesting. I used to make a meatball sauce that was grape jelly and chili sauce. Wonder if you could just basically use anything sweet with the chili.

  21. Thye look delicious!

    I was in New England this past weekend and found some delicious maple syrup on sale. There is nothing as good as the real stuff!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!